Pitbudz87's 6 site dwc, 150watt hps, clone flower cabinet 150 hps 600 watts cfls.

yea true but i kinda want plants that r ready to flower or only have about a week of veg to do i may end up takin some clones idk tho
yes you can reveg after you take the buds of the plant you have to leave a few bottom ones to do it tho and jus go back to 24 7 or 18 6, and yes you can get colnes to root in soil its how i did it my first run j=you can pick up rooting hormone from lowes and make a 45 degree cut dip it in water then powder and plant it in soil and keep it humid a dome works the best
alright man i jus got back from a bullridin i won whoopa gonan get my light bill paid, went to tha bar had a good ol time
after i rode him? i stepped off on my feet nd walked away the bullfighters got him away from me

you are one fucking hard core tough bullrideing son ah ma bitch man..... this kid has balls of brass doing nutty shit like this... i wont even climb a 12 foot ladder.. this nigga riding bulls.. lol plus rep chally
thanks man id post tha vid but it says my name loud as shit nd i dont know how to change it pm me or somethin and ill shoot those of you who would like to watch a link or my fb
I was just concerned about the bulls welfare. I love all animals and was jus curious.

ooo ok no we do not harm the animals some saw it is but trust me ive grown up in the rodeo world nd riding horses and training animals they love to buck some say we strap their ballls wrong soo wrong we use a flank strap kinda like hips on tha animal and it just gets snug not tight or they wouldent buck and as soon as we are bucked off or ride and get off they go into the out gate into a chute and the flank is took off and trhey are turned into a pen to eat or out to pasture to relax till the next time these animals are very expensive it would be very stupid to hurt your $60,000 investment
well im gonna make a cloner tomorrow outta pvc nd sparyers and a pump jus a small one 8 site but im gonna get to it tomorrow maby tonight if my ol lady goes to sleep soon
ooo ok no we do not harm the animals some saw it is but trust me ive grown up in the rodeo world nd riding horses and training animals they love to buck some say we strap their ballls wrong soo wrong we use a flank strap kinda like hips on tha animal and it just gets snug not tight or they wouldent buck and as soon as we are bucked off or ride and get off they go into the out gate into a chute and the flank is took off and trhey are turned into a pen to eat or out to pasture to relax till the next time these animals are very expensive it would be very stupid to hurt your $60,000 investment

Thanks for that mate, i shall stop worrying now ;D
well im off to the hydro store to pick up a big bag of ffof soil for the other three plants to get transplanted and ill start making my cloner and get this show on tha rode updates later
haha doubt it lol man im in texas lol, well i got everything i needed i need to find my drill bit and i have to go back and get another adapter so i can hook up my pump to the system i built its out of 1/2" pvc ny suggestions the new one is 17qts ive yet to drill the holes gotta get this pump thing figured out im tired of makin cloners nd not clonin no one around here wants em or clones for that matter but i need to get started