pitbudz87 first grow journal


Well-Known Member
don't get upset at me since i'm just a yuppie beach bum, but what's purp? i drink md 20/20 pretty often and that's what we call the JUICE. that shit will get you feelin right real quick
purp is promithaziene and codeine cough syrup mainly of purlpe color
^i do not know how to spell this fucking word


Well-Known Member
oh. tussinex. my girl gets that all the time. love the shit. her dad had some just plain liquid codeine that i got into once...talk about couchlock!


Well-Known Member
yeah plain liquid codine thats the shit i just got some blue streak to smoke i got a seed a few weeks ago im about to blaze it it smells dank as fuck im exicited


Well-Known Member
how ironic man we got 4 grams of that today it was pretty good but this blue streak takes the cake man im about to nut myself cuz i have a seed


Well-Known Member
alright man this shit is sooooooo good i wish i had a digatal camera so i could take pics of it i cant wait to start growing this i hope to god it is a girl


Well-Known Member
alright man this shit is sooooooo good i wish i had a digatal camera so i could take pics of it i cant wait to start growing this i hope to god it is a girl
ive been finding a seed here and there,,maybe 3 out of an ounce,id rather order the feminized seed.But shit hope its a female homie!


Well-Known Member
alright guys it is cold as shit here it is 11 degrees outside the temps r staying pretty good and havent dropped much at all everything looks good my clones are doing wonderful i am still worried about one plant but i am gonna look more i might give it a teaspoon of epsom salt and see if that helps i am gonna go ahead and give nutes when i water again tomorrow i am also gonna pick up a few other things to add the last few weeks and pics tonight guys my dad is leaving i cant wait well im gonna miss him but im ready to see my pants every day without having a near death experience everytime my door is opened. oh yeah i go to the doctor wendsday and i hope i get this cast off my damn arm cross your fingers for me guys i have had it on for 6 months and one surgery i hope it is healing and i can start workin and makin money for my hobby


Well-Known Member
hey whats up so we got the pops out of the house today and were able to take some pics!! hope you enjoy!



Well-Known Member
hahaha havent we been over this lol, she is a handful man she is always full of piss and vinegar but im sure you will see her one day cuz i travel with my dogs usually one goes with me everywhere i go


Well-Known Member
haha well there is two little ones in the second to last pic but all the rest are diffrent plants i have 3 big ones that all look about the same


Well-Known Member
hahaha havent we been over this lol, she is a handful man she is always full of piss and vinegar but im sure you will see her one day cuz i travel with my dogs usually one goes with me everywhere i go
i think that was me that wanted the little one...she might come here but you can bet i'll try and make her stay haha:blsmoke: