Pit bulls

What I usually do is kick my dogs..... Just kidding but seriously I don't even spank my dogs. I just say bad dogs and no but you got to do it when they just did the deed and take them to the crime scene I'll call it and point or show them what they did. They are very smart dogs and people have the wrong ideas about them. My dogs are my kids as well as family.
likewise for me all i have to do is the evil eye ,my male is a shit head and he knows the eye and lays down and just watches me.we play eye contact or eye fucking ,he knows he done wrong and i outstare him,he will come over put his huge fucking head on my knee and it's like im sorry but i was bored ,wont do it again,it really is some pitiful shit and you cant resist but you have to for a little while,after 30 min its all good again.the only time i discipline mine is if i catch them in the act and then the newspaper comes out ,the sound scares the shit out of them,that is not often they really are good companions ,but demand attention ,if you are home most of the time it is all good,they feel you out and adjust to your lifestyle ,you will love em
What I usually do is kick my dogs..... Just kidding but seriously I don't even spank my dogs. I just say bad dogs and no but you got to do it when they just did the deed and take them to the crime scene I'll call it and point or show them what they did. They are very smart dogs and people have the wrong ideas about them. My dogs are my kids as well as family.

i kick my dog when it does some fucked shit

like pissing on my hoddies and shitting in my corn flakes
He probably only shits in your ceral because you kick him... vicious circle.
And I'm guessing he is only peeing on your hoodie because you kick like a little bitch.

no its a reactionary kick not a sadistic "I HAVE A SMALL PENIS SO I WANT TO KICK MY DOG" type of kick
lmao GB!
So update: I just got her about an hour ago... I'm already in love..things are calming down and shes scoping out her new place. Her and Kushy played pretty ruff for awhile...Kushy was letting her dominate for a good while which made me proud of her. All is well so far. She knows "kick it down " for sit already and knows to stay close outside in the vast wide open. Eww I think I just smelled a puppy fart
thanks for giving that pup another chance for a good home. pits are common here, its all in how they get raised.
mine pal is mixed..a pre female pit from a fighting line with a unkown lab looking male. best dog i ever owned. protective and smart. his attitude leans toward a lab. but what is funny, i have a pond and he wont go swim027.JPG no matter how i coax him.
I've got one and he's great! They need training to be taken out and socialisation from a young age is important, as with any dog.
Mine is half my weight and twice my strength! Luckily he thinks I'm the boss!
They are great dogs and need more exercise and stimulation than other breeds.
Good luck! If her parents are nice then she should have a nice temperament too.
My bestie has had a pit bull for 10 years now? Lexi.

She is the CUTEST fucking thing. They got her when she was a puppy. She never had her ears or tail snipped.

I stayed with them, and one night went to get a drink of water. It was dark in the basement, and I heard "twap, twap, twap, twap".

I freaked out, blindly searching for the light switch. When I turned it on I saw it was Lexi on the couch. Her tail would wag whenever people were around.

She really is the sweetest dog!

Oh, but they have to be really careful of her around smaller dogs. She likes to "play". And her play is far too rough for little dogs.

But I think you made an excellent decision. Great dogs!
what??? My dog's name is Lexi, and she is a pitbull too!

I rescued here from a shelter almost four yrs ago.
Here is some pics of her, she's adorable!
You can see her adoption papers too


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the only problem with the pit they are proned to cancer is the fucked up part this is faty mic fatty chill style when he was a baby chased the cops out one day they tried to come in without a search warrent saved my ass know im trying to save his ass with cbd..300x300.jpghappy dog.jpgi love my dog we been through some shit together its gona hurt when he leave me...dog 3.jpg