Pistols from Birth?


Well-Known Member
use veg nutes dont use mg its good for flowers and shit but not mj and it has lots of salts in it i dont realy have a set time for starteng to use fert but when they start to show defficiency or just when i feel its right i always start with a small bit then half if. I usualy never use as much as the directions say beceause i find if your growing in dirt it will cause nute burn peace :bigjoint: :weed::hump: :p
Again with the bashing on miracle gro :(, well i guess it's each individuals opinion lol.


Well-Known Member
Day 6:

Today is day 24 from seed and day 17 of flowering. Not much has changed since last update except new foliage growth.

I added a little more soil to the grow medium cause of a minor stretching issue..but everything is everything right now.

Won't really be much of a show until my lady shows me sex...so with that being said...progress pics



Well-Known Member
Day: 7

Seedlings Day 0:

I got my hands on some decent seeds about a week ago. I wasen't sure if they would pop so I never mentioned them..but low and behold...all three have tap roots poking out..

I'll let them sit in this trey for now until they get strong enough to repot. You can see them just to the side of the straw cuts and the other is middle left of the trey

..and that yellow light is from the HPS lamp... I'm trying to wean my girl off the sunlight


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^LISTEN & VIBE OUT


Well-Known Member
Day: 8

Seedlings; Day 1:

Ok..so I have a small dilema. My new seedlings have popped up great..but we have been having weird weather the last few days and it's been around 45 degrees give or take a few.

I have them sitting in a humidity dome and I'm not sure if I should put them outside in the cold or would it be ok if they sit under the 150 watt HPS lamp until they are strong enough to go outside?..any advise would be great..

Few pics so you can see what I'm dealing with...3rd seedling is showing least progress from yesterday but still...progress

kush fario

Well-Known Member
deffinatly put them under a light but because there in a humidity dome watch the temps dont get too hot. But wed being tropical climate plant like heat alot more than cold although some strains like northern lights can withstand cold quite well. Be sure not to stress your plants out of they are looking stressed switch to 12/12 and try to controll any veriabls. also keep in mind they need some source of wind to keep the stems strong so that they wont fall over and die.:bigjoint::weed:


Well-Known Member
deffinatly put them under a light but because there in a humidity dome watch the temps dont get too hot. But wed being tropical climate plant like heat alot more than cold although some strains like northern lights can withstand cold quite well. Be sure not to stress your plants out of they are looking stressed switch to 12/12 and try to controll any veriabls. also keep in mind they need some source of wind to keep the stems strong so that they wont fall over and die.:bigjoint::weed:
On it:!:...


Well-Known Member
:lol:I see pistils..for real this tyme;-)...I will update pics when they are more pronounced..but I have a girl for sure!!!...only thing to worry bout now is a hermie..but my lady loooks "straight" to me.

Now I'm just waiting on the other seedlings to get establishedbongsmilie..gonna go and smoke with my girl and talk to her a little. I'm so proud of her!!!:blsmoke:

P.S: Today makes 21 days of flowering (to show sex) and 28 days from seed..just for the record..pretty fast!!


Well-Known Member
:lol:I see pistils..for real this tyme;-)...I will update pics when they are more pronounced..but I have a girl for sure!!!...only thing to worry bout now is a hermie..but my lady loooks "straight" to me.

Now I'm just waiting on the other seedlings to get establishedbongsmilie..gonna go and smoke with my girl and talk to her a little. I'm so proud of her!!!:blsmoke:

P.S: Today makes 21 days of flowering (to show sex) and 28 days from seed..just for the record..pretty fast!!
She started flowering fast, Grats on the girl :D.


Well-Known Member
Day 9:

-Day 29 from seed
-Day 22 of flowering cycle
-2nd day of budding

This project is coming along pretty nice...
I'm still not sure if I should give her full strength nutes as if yet, so yesteday I gave her half strength...I'll wait about a week and see how she takes to it.

I have never flowered this early before so I don't really know what to expect...but I been on every 12/12 from seed thread that I could find:eyesmoke:

ANd my seedlings all died..seems they dried out. But no worries...to hell with the side projects I'm gonna just make this lady my focal point here on out

Here she is...
