Pistils Turning Red Mid Flower


Well-Known Member
I have a critical kush lady 32 days into flower. She in there with a few other girls. I noticed today that her hairs are turning red already. I read on another thread that it could mean its been pollinated. I did have a plant go hermie a couple weeks ago. I pulled it immediately but not sure if it threw pollen. Checked all other ladies and saw no balls or nanners on any of the remaining plants. What you guys think and what should i do.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Just a little worried i may harvest a room full of ladies with seeds.
Sorry. Let me expand: I've had autoflowering plants' pistils going red/brown early in flowering. I currently run a couple of outdoor Kushes that are about the same age as yours and they also have brown hairs. it only means they are maturing and past their pollination stage. I have no first hand experience but I've seen pics of pollinated flowers on this forums and they display no pistils at all, just seed pods.


Well-Known Member
Plus its odd because its only this one plant thats ambering early. The other 5 girls show no amber yet. Surely if ths one plant shows amber on say 10 branches from pollination at least ine other plant would show similiar amber from pollination. Hoping its just my pheno or an isolated situation.


Well-Known Member
Plus its odd because its only this one plant thats ambering early. The other 5 girls show no amber yet. Surely if ths one plant shows amber on say 10 branches from pollination at least ine other plant would show similiar amber from pollination. Hoping its just my pheno or an isolated situation.
alright man. your worrying is certainly justifiable but we're in love with them girls and we spot little differences right away. I say wait a little longer and see what's actually happening otherwise other members might chime in with ideas or opinions :)


Well-Known Member
To put it blantly nothing happened. Plants finished up great. No seeds, no early/late finish. Nothing. Got close, or over, 5 ounces from all 6 plants. Thanks for the inquiry.


Well-Known Member
To put it blantly nothing happened. Plants finished up great. No seeds, no early/late finish. Nothing. Got close, or over, 5 ounces from all 6 plants. Thanks for the inquiry.
I have had the same thing happen since i moved to AZ. The air here is so dry u get some early dryed pistil. And hasnt been any problem for me. Ive had as early as twenty five days. Still finish same time, new one pop up and they will retreat to the calyx slowly


Well-Known Member
Hairs turning orange is not the same thing as being hit with pollen. They don't even look the same. Maturing plants have their hairs turn orange from butt to tip, hairs that get a burnt look to the tips have been hit with pollen. So, to recap, butt to tip is normal, tip to butt is pollen. I wish I had a pic of a pollen hit to show, when you see it one time, you will know the difference.


Well-Known Member
Hairs turning orange is not the same thing as being hit with pollen. They don't even look the same. Maturing plants have their hairs turn orange from butt to tip, hairs that get a burnt look to the tips have been hit with pollen. So, to recap, butt to tip is normal, tip to butt is pollen. I wish I had a pic of a pollen hit to show, when you see it one time, you will know the difference.

Seems exaclty correct to me. Although i did see a few here and there drying from end and drying from bottom and top of pistil. But yes i believe this is true.
Pollinated pistils also seed to.be darker than the drying orange almost brown. And if pollinated its likely that several tips of the buds will be brownish not just a few