Pistils on Male plants


Well-Known Member
Not sure this is the right place for this... but, it seems like a problem.

I'm fairly new to the pollen chucking game. I have two males one Bodhi SSDD F2 from seed that I made a couple years ago, and one PeakSeedsBC SkunkBerry from seed that I bought a couple of years ago.

Both of them seemed very clearly to be males, but then started showing pistils. I've not had this happen before. I've read in a few places that this is a result of the backcrossing process, and nothing to worry about in breeding stock.

Any thoughts?

The first pic is the SunshineDaydream, second is SB:


Well-Known Member
Not sure this is the right place for this... but, it seems like a problem.

I'm fairly new to the pollen chucking game. I have two males one Bodhi SSDD F2 from seed that I made a couple years ago, and one PeakSeedsBC SkunkBerry from seed that I bought a couple of years ago.

Both of them seemed very clearly to be males, but then started showing pistils. I've not had this happen before. I've read in a few places that this is a result of the backcrossing process, and nothing to worry about in breeding stock.

Any thoughts?

The first pic is the SunshineDaydream, second is SB:
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True hermie. You got that from Bodhi?

Doug Dawson

Well-Known Member
I had the same thing happen to the males in my first Sour Bubble run. I just killed them, grew the females out for bud and started the project over. I have no interest in running hermies in my garden.


Well-Known Member
No, it's not from Bodhi, it's from an F2 that I breed with Bodhi seed. The other one is original seed from PSBC.

I find it odd that I have two from completely different and unrelated seeds.

I've been doing a fair amount of reading about it, and a lot of folks who know what they're talking about seem to think that it's not a big deal, and possibly even desirable, including the following quote from DJ Short:

"(A quick word on “backward” hermaphrodites ? declared males that eventually sport female flowers ? as opposed to the usual female-to-male hermaphrodites. These are semi-rare occurrences, usually sterile but sometimes viable, that I have found at times to be valuable in their genetic contributions. Some of the most resinous and desirable males I have encountered exhibited this trait. This trait almost seems to guarantee against unwanted hermaphroditism in subsequent generations as it also increases the female to male ratio in its progeny.) " (https://www.cannabisculture.com/content/2003/03/07/2788/)


Well-Known Member
Interesting, I had this happen to me a few weeks ago too. Seeds were from bodhi also - Saints Crossing, showed male, started flowering and threw a ton of pistils and ball sacks. I had planned on collecting pollen, but chopped it. Bummer is that I now have a killer female from that pack :-(

Doug Dawson

Well-Known Member
No, it's not from Bodhi, it's from an F2 that I breed with Bodhi seed. The other one is original seed from PSBC.

I find it odd that I have two from completely different and unrelated seeds.

I've been doing a fair amount of reading about it, and a lot of folks who know what they're talking about seem to think that it's not a big deal, and possibly even desirable, including the following quote from DJ Short:

"(A quick word on “backward” hermaphrodites ? declared males that eventually sport female flowers ? as opposed to the usual female-to-male hermaphrodites. These are semi-rare occurrences, usually sterile but sometimes viable, that I have found at times to be valuable in their genetic contributions. Some of the most resinous and desirable males I have encountered exhibited this trait. This trait almost seems to guarantee against unwanted hermaphroditism in subsequent generations as it also increases the female to male ratio in its progeny.) " (https://www.cannabisculture.com/content/2003/03/07/2788/)
I have read the same quote from DJ Short and heard that same argument before I killed my males that had this issue. I personally just don't know enough about genetics to risk it. Each grower would have to make their own choice and I chose not to carry on the line of plants that hermied. To each their own. The females in that tent did make a few seeds which I kept to play with down the road but won't pass them out to anyone. It will become a personal project in the future.


Well-Known Member
There are other reports of this happening with males from Bodhi's hashplant papa.

Since it's supposed to be a rare trait, it does make me wonder if that trait has been bred into these lines through conscious choice.

It's certainly possible that both are a result of my hamfisted growing. The SSDD in particular was exposed to some odd photo periods when I pulled it from the Fem tent. But, in my somewhat long and undistinguished growing career, I've never had a hermie before.


Well-Known Member
Lots of he said she said. I wouldn't pay too much attention to any of what goes around in the cannabis breeding world since most don't have any actual education in horticulture and plant breeding. Most of it's all speculation or just a conclusion someone came to without following any scientific method.