pistils aren't white

What's going on if the pistils on the main stalk at the beginning of flowering aren't white? I've got 2 pistils on each branch's end but lot of them aren't white... defect?
I like them to be red, or purple or green or yellow or blue best

the colour don`t matter even more so if its a strain you've not grown before if it`s a strain you know then it can help you phenome hunt
Yo it's just morning and I clicked a picture here it is. about to be four months complete since germination.the thing is they look brown to the naked eyeIMG_20160902_081200.jpg
mate there are two , the other one is on the other side thats why we can't see it... i'm sure they are pistils.. i have researched good enough i guess hehe
Those are stipules. An kinda looks like a possible cal/mag def. Could just be the strain. But would need to see a better pic of the whole lady to try an say yes or no. Just remember K.I.S.S.