Pistils are turning brown?


Well-Known Member
They always do that, just a matter of when. They will brown, or dry, earlier if you are spraying damn near anything on them or running into high temps/wilting.


Active Member
Ok thanks guys! And I did spray foxfarms don't bug me, a few weeks back. But no more. Can I move her inside my tent to finish her up?


Active Member
dangerous to spray when flowering, water droplets can get caught in the thomas's english muffin like crannies of the flowers and lead to rot. careful sir.
I know spraying in flowering is bad, but I'm just curious.. Does rain cause the same problems for outdoor plants?


Well-Known Member
yeah it does, alot of outdoor growers will "tarp over" if theyre still flowering while getting into the fall rain, as long as its not a constant soaking like everyday drenching the plants im sure itll be fine..maybe theres an outdoor grower that can chime in on what they do..


Well-Known Member
Yes he's right if outdoor plants stay in wet weather there screwed ......a rain shower here and there isn't a bad thing but they have to have a dry spell inbetween ......a wet flower is asking for trouble outdoors I have had to spray my outdoor plants late before but it was a light mist just to get me by ......that's why I like to treat my outdoor gardens throughout so I have no suprised at the most important phase......keep em dry And happy growing


Active Member
dangerous to spray when flowering, water droplets can get caught in the thomas's english muffin like crannies of the flowers and lead to rot. careful sir.
Thank you! And I haven't spray anything in about 3weeks and won't no more. I got a GSC I just harvested a few days ago. Indoor/hydro she is pretty!

Question for you, can I move her indoors to finish flowering? My grow tent is empty now. Thanks again for you help



Well-Known Member
may stress a bit with a totally new enviroment, but security is #1. i would try to finish it where it is


Well-Known Member
Steady as she goes brother. All systems go. It's looking fine. Too much rain will increase your chance of mold, do whatever you can to keep as much water as possible off your plants. You are in for a nice harvest, have patients...good luck