Pistils are starting to turn orange only 3 weeks into flower


Active Member
So this is my indoor grow in a Secret Jardin Darkroom. I have two OG Kush from clone going in about 7.5 gallon buckets of Ocean Forest. I used Fox Farm Grow big during veg every watering, and I am now using Tiger Bloom 2 Tsp every watering. Watering is every two days. For Veg I used T-5 2 foot 4 bulb, and they are now flowering 12/12 under two 600 watt global greenhouse with glass enclosed 6 inch vented by a 6 inch Can Fan. A 4 inch can fan bringing fresh air in from outside. The temp is about 80 during lights on, 75 Lights off. I also have about 50 lady bugs in the Secret Jardin to make sure no pest problems arise. Every thing seems to be going well but some pistils here and there are changing color. Is this supposed to be happening yet? I included a picture with some reddish orange pistils. They also seem to be at the tops of the colas, could this be because they are too close to the light. They are about 10 inches away where the temp is 85 degrees.



Well-Known Member
Buds look great but you have the most unique set up I have seen in a while. What is up with those buckets are they totally full of soil? also, if you dont mind why only two plants for that space and awesome lighting?


Active Member
Thanks man, well the buckets are full to the top with soil. Its much easier to cut the bottom off and fill the second with soil than transplant to a bigger container, less stress I believe also. I was just curious to see how much two really big plants would yeild under that kind of lighting.
we like to keep our hairs white as long as possible. when we get any orange we flush for a day...but we're in hydroton so it's easier. the hydro store guys hipped us on to that one. and they grow really great, tasty, sticky ganje.