Pistils and Nanas Coming Out the Same Calyx?


Well-Known Member
never seen this before and i've searched the forum and google and cant find anything. some of the calyxs have pistils and some pollen sacs coming out all in the same calyx. will the pollen produce seeds or will the pollen be useless?


Well-Known Member
yea they look like tiny bananas but they look alot darker than what iv seen before like there dying. im 6 weeks into flower. its the only plant i got so i might aswell grow it out.
Pull the nanners and save the pollen in a bag in your freezer. If you leave em they might open up and your plant will use the rest of it's energy on seed production. You don't have to save the pollen but if it was a female and it Hermd because of stress. You can pollinate another female using a paintbrush to gently run a tiny bit on a bud site to create feminized seeds. Since you don't have another plant just save it for your next 1


Well-Known Member
yes i mite do actually iv been wanting to make my own beans to try and create a strain with high cbd content coz i like the stoned feeling helps me sleep. when would be the best time to pick the calyxs?
"try picking out flower that is about 80% opening when it has the dropping effect. check out a few sacs ull know what im talking about" lilflavio (on this site) seeds take about 6 wks to develop so I think ur to late on this plant. I'd definately get the pollen for future plants once they are ripe. If you are going to try collect the pollen, get a qtip and dab it on this lowest node or bud site that recieving the least light. When you harvest leave that nug on for extra long. Be very careful with pollen!


i know, old thread, but, relevant info for anywho who comes across it, like i did.

"nanners" or bananas, when these appear it is generally because of stress and it is the plants response to try and pollinate itself to perpetuate the plant. All seeds resulting will be female(at least, this is the general consensus). However, sometimes it is just due to genetics, or the fact that the plant has not yet been pollinated and its late into flowering.

this is NOT, i repeat, NOT a true hermie, and, if the trait has shown up, the appearance of nanners does not mean, necessarily, that this strain will always do that, as well as its offspring, its just one of circumstance.

True hermaphrodites have male and female flowers, the nanners are a survival trait, that, to us is very annoying. I have found that if you are diligent you can just pull off all the nanners and salvage the plant. However, it does seem to have an effect on overall yield, as the nanners come out of the calyxes. Also, there is a very small amount of pollen in the nanners, depending on the conditions of the grow room, the plant may only impregnate itself.