pistil hairs disappearing


Well-Known Member
plants into 4th week flower & bud hairs/pistils have quickly vanished, there is not one hair left on the buds, it seems to have happened only in a few days, plant appears to have frozen in time, nothing is happening as it seems to have stopped growing, there is no telltale stippling or spots from spider mites on leaves, im concerned that the mushroom compost i added to soil used in this outdoor grow may have been infected with..whateva god knows?...plants grown in this place before never had this issue, ive never seen this prob before, there are no insects like grasshoppers or anything like that i can see that may be responsible, plant is still green & looks relatively healthy apart from no more growth from about 1/3 size buds, i have 2 plants like this out of 20 healthy ones, sorry ive got no pics
plants into 4th week flower & bud hairs/pistils have quickly vanished, there is not one hair left on the buds, it seems to have happened only in a few days, plant appears to have frozen in time, nothing is happening as it seems to have stopped growing, there is no telltale stippling or spots from spider mites on leaves, im concerned that the mushroom compost i added to soil used in this outdoor grow may have been infected with..whateva god knows?...plants grown in this place before never had this issue, ive never seen this prob before, there are no insects like grasshoppers or anything like that i can see that may be responsible, plant is still green & looks relatively healthy apart from no more growth from about 1/3 size buds, i have 2 plants like this out of 20 healthy ones, sorry ive got no pics

That makes it difficult to help.
That makes it difficult to help.
yes, but really there is only the hairs missing with no sign of insect or mite around, plants look normal, ive read somewhere about an 'invisible mite' soo tiny its not visible without a powerful glass may do this sort of damage, but yet i dont get how the hairs disappearing stops the whole plant from growing?
It will regrow pistils or continue to turn brown. I've been there and still no clue why it happen. If the nugs stay green, it is still smokable, but looks ugly.
it was outside & no light deprivation & its not revegging, ive pulled the 2 offenders/sufferers now cos it made me soo sad to see them...a mercy killing if you will...i dont have a powerful glass to check for tiny bugs, but im really starting to think it was very possibly broad mites aka invisible mites in that they are soo small you cannot see them with the naked eye, i think the horrors were imported into my garden with some mushroom compost...ffs its just not worth bringing anything foreign into the grow area, ive grown in this place for lotsa years..then a few bags of infected compost fucks up what was some great plants, i cant be sure but all ive read about these broad mites it seems its like them, eating the pistil hairs, but also totally stunting the plant, just worried now if ive got an ongoing battle for years now with these suckers & what toll they will take...satans spawn for sure...:twisted: