Pissed on my Plant


Well-Known Member
the white little pistil things that come out. The female preflowers I guess. Does that mean its mature


Well-Known Member
the white little pistil things that come out. The female preflowers I guess. Does that mean its mature
I'm a little confused as to what you are asking. If by "mature" you mean fully developed and ready for harvest, the answer is no. When a plant has reached its peak potency and is suitable for harvest, approximately 75% of the white hairs will have turned to a reddish brown color. However, if by "mature" you simply mean that the plant has finished its vegetative growth and is now developing buds/flowers and is capable of being pollinated by a male, then the answer is yes.


Well-Known Member
i meant the second one. thanks rolla. I'm tryn to decide now whether I wanna start 12/12 or if I should wait a little bit. I'm sorta in a rush but its not very big yet


Well-Known Member
I've never been a fan of starting off with a 12/12 light cycle; The yields are just too small. You'd be better off running a 24/0 cycle for for as little as 3 weeks before starting your 12/12 phase. By allowing for a short, intense vegetative phase, your final yield could potentially be double or even triple the yield had you just ran with 12/12 from the start.


its been about three weeks. Look at her. Nice recovery no?

didnt even seem to have much to recover from in the first place... looks good bro... but i would let her get a little bigger before i flowered... but thats just me; you make the call.


Well-Known Member
didnt even seem to have much to recover from in the first place... looks good bro... but i would let her get a little bigger before i flowered... but thats just me; you make the call.
I didn't put the pics up when she was at her worst but basically all the leaves fell off from the first picture and then everything regrew


New Member
I would say using clones, but it's all a waiting game. Indica's have a shorter flowering period than Sativas. Anything you do is apt to take 4 to 6 months.


Well-Known Member
If you have your clones already vegged and ready to flower, the fastest return you can get is a harvest every 50 days... That's with a 45 day strain.

As far as your plant you have right there, the soonest you'll be done is 50 days if you start flowering now... I'd wait a week, maybe two, then switch to 12/12...

Use some nutes other than urine... :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
clones and areoponics(not the stupid areogaren) i take clones let em root 7-10 days then veg another ten days and flower for 6 or 7 weeks, i take clones when i start flushing so they are rooted by the time i harvest and then its just like2.5 3 months til harvest and over and over and over


Well-Known Member
Being called a kid was an insult - when I was a kid. Besides a belly laugh, the only thing your grade school taunts merit from me is one big YAWN.

Why is is the sad clown is the funniest? And YOU are the saddest clown of them all.

You flail out in impotent fury when anyone dares to disagree with you. You're angry I bruised your fragile ego. Poor baby!
You do nothing but make yourself look even more ignorant when you rant and rave about something you have no real knowledge of.
You only think it,that's what you do,you only heard it,that's what you do.
You have failed to prove that anything I have written in this thread is incorrect. You have not refuted my statements with proof of any kind. An insult is not a refutation, by the way. It's just a stupid insult. You are not very good at that either.
You have no knowledge of that which you speak,yet you still speak.
You sound to me like a 10 year old kid telling his dad some bullshit like he actually knows about it when you so obviously don't have any exp at all.
Keep talking its all your good at and all you really know how to do,kid
You know nothing about me or my experience. I am no expert, but I have plenty of experience. Cast all the aspersions you wish on my knowledge, but on that subject you it is YOU who are truly ignorant.

Your net muscles do not intimidate me. Far from it. Sad, angry, and abusive clowns make me Laugh My Fucking Ass Off!

The topic at hand is pissing on plants, not Pissing on Natmoon's Brain. You may go waste the time of someone else now.

Before I forget, I take my coffee black, no sugar. Run along now!


New Member
Johnny, why do you think everyone is a waitress, this isn't the first thread where you are demanding coffee? Don't you know people spit in the coffee of those that piss them off?