Piss test tomorrow


Well-Known Member
I'm sure a lot of completely sober people piss slightly diluted due to their drinking habits. I have not drank a soda for months now (besides a monster every once in a while) and mainly stick to a crystal light or Gatorade diet, I'm always pissing clear. Hoping all the vitamin B will help with the color a little though
Have someone punch you in the kidney. That'll add color to the sample.


Well-Known Member
I took misconduct three nights in a row the first three nights I was off smoking to try and clean out my system and I still haven't been tested yet so it may be closer to two and a half weeks before I actually have to pee in a cup.


Ursus marijanus
I took misconduct three nights in a row the first three nights I was off smoking to try and clean out my system and I still haven't been tested yet so it may be closer to two and a half weeks before I actually have to pee in a cup.
Did I miss the story behind this? cn

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I'm happy for you. I'm glad you squeeked by. There's nothing worse than to be jobless in this economy. Which brings up a point.

This is generalizing. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone in particular. I've been on this site long enough to see a plethora of posts exactly like this.

  1. You're out of work and need employment desperately
  2. all jobs (that you know of) require drug testing
  3. most jobs give you a two week to a month period before you find out if you have the job and need to test
  4. you know well beforehand that drug testing was mandatory

So. Why in Gay Hell would you continue to toke knowing you are looking for a job? Are you so emotionally addicted to Cannabis that you place it above all else? Which includes having a roof over your head or food on your table or clothes on your back.

Where are your priorities?

Cannabis will always be there. It's not going anywhere. If you have such a need for it that you jeopardize job opportunities and risk losing everything? You have a bigger problem than being unemployed. Besides, a little T-break never hurt anyone. It teaches you self control and you can clean out your system the natural way. When you spark up again? It's like the first time all over. My advice would be to buy some mangoes. Chow down on one or two. Wait about 30 minutes and then light. Enjoy!

Anyway, that's my two cents.


I've used Quick Fix Plus or Magnum for every drug test I have taken. They have all been sent to LabCorp and came back negative. The most recent one was this past Monday.


Well-Known Member
I'm happy for you. I'm glad you squeeked by. There's nothing worse than to be jobless in this economy. Which brings up a point.

This is generalizing. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone in particular. I've been on this site long enough to see a plethora of posts exactly like this.

  1. You're out of work and need employment desperately
  2. all jobs (that you know of) require drug testing
  3. most jobs give you a two week to a month period before you find out if you have the job and need to test
  4. you know well beforehand that drug testing was mandatory

So. Why in Gay Hell would you continue to toke knowing you are looking for a job? Are you so emotionally addicted to Cannabis that you place it above all else? Which includes having a roof over your head or food on your table or clothes on your back.

Where are your priorities?

Cannabis will always be there. It's not going anywhere. If you have such a need for it that you jeopardize job opportunities and risk losing everything? You have a bigger problem than being unemployed. Besides, a little T-break never hurt anyone. It teaches you self control and you can clean out your system the natural way. When you spark up again? It's like the first time all over. My advice would be to buy some mangoes. Chow down on one or two. Wait about 30 minutes and then light. Enjoy!

Anyway, that's my two cents.
Do I really need to say this? Really? On a weed growing forum I really have to fucking spell this out?

Cannabis is medicine and those who use cannabis as a medicine do so because it is much more beneficial with much less adverse side effects than available alternatives. Why would you sacrifice your health and well being to appease ignorant fucks?


Well-Known Member
You may be fucked. Or you could just go so hydrated that you literally piss water.

Really though, it's metabolism dependent. I didn't read the whole thread, but if you have low body fat then you may be able to poss clean by drinking a ton of water and working out.


Well-Known Member
Do I really need to say this? Really? On a weed growing forum I really have to fucking spell this out?

Cannabis is medicine and those who use cannabis as a medicine do so because it is much more beneficial with much less adverse side effects than available alternatives. Why would you sacrifice your health and well being to appease ignorant fucks?
Cannabis is not solely medicinal.

It is also recreational.

Millions of recreational cannabis users don't need 'medicine.'

They want weed. For partying, relaxing, and such.


New Member
I had a drug employment test (urine) the other day I been clean for about 25 day during those 25 day I took about 6 AZO cranberry pill, and a lot of water, I was sent out to the clinic to take the test so I decided to take a in home drug test kit for THC. And it came back negative I took two before I went. Another thing I drank about 10 glasses of water. When I came back from taking the test I did about 4 more test and they all kept coming back negative. So does that mean I passed the lab test? NEED ADVICE THANKS


Well-Known Member
I had a drug employment test (urine) the other day I been clean for about 25 day during those 25 day I took about 6 AZO cranberry pill, and a lot of water, I was sent out to the clinic to take the test so I decided to take a in home drug test kit for THC. And it came back negative I took two before I went. Another thing I drank about 10 glasses of water. When I came back from taking the test I did about 4 more test and they all kept coming back negative. So does that mean I passed the lab test? NEED ADVICE THANKS
Patiently wait. Sounds like you should be ok. Good Luck and Well Done!