Piper84 Blue Dream 600w Grow with HIGH HOPES


Well-Known Member
Yeah mines where slow at first but they've really took off I'm in coco coir, I topped 2 of my blue dream the more sativa ones also topped a strawberry blue I have going from world of seeds


Well-Known Member
Yeah mines where slow at first but they've really took off I'm in coco coir, I topped 2 of my blue dream the more sativa ones also topped a strawberry blue I have going from world of seeds
sweet, Im glad that you had a slow start too makes me feel alittle better. I did my last grow in coco, I started them in light warrior then transplanted them into 5 gal buckets with hydroton-coco coir-perlite combo. I wouldnt mind trying coco again, but for now im back to soil :).
Cool that you topped them I didnt my last but my previous I did. I probably should have topped these girls before I super cropped but OH well.

Fed the girls tonight seems like they eating more so its been less then a week since they have ate...


Well-Known Member

Pic update day after feeding:

They all look healthy I have some leafs that are not so pretty but they can come off when I defoliate for flower.

Also wanted to show off the supercropped parts of 2 of the plants because couldnt get the right angle or anything to show it off.



Well-Known Member
Mine were a bit slow too, but took off a bit now they're slowing a little since i induced flower. They are eating a lot now also, i topped her 2.


Well-Known Member
Not much to really say except the final veg countdown is underway with less then 30 days before switching to flower. I have been agonizing over cloning because 1. I have never cloned before. 2. I really didn't plan on cloning before I started this grow. 3. Would need to get an area or nother tent to house my clones/vegging plants.

Now with that said, I will clone and figure out a way to house them and new veg plants while my 3 girls bloom.

Here is what I plan on getting for my clones. http://www.plantlightinghydroponics.com/hydrofarm-hot-house-propagation-kit-7-inch-dome-p-4720.html

Lighting for the clones:http://www.plantlightinghydroponics.com/hydrofarm-jump-start-t5-modular-grow-light-system-2ft-p-4466.html

Once the clones are rooted and are big enough I will tranplant into 1 gal smartpots, then from there 5 gal and final 10 gal.

Clone taking and defoliation will take place 1 week prior to the switching over of the first set of Blue Dream.

As far as what the girls are like now, they are all having a good time hanging out in the "Lab". I think I will name the girls here soon as well (since it seems others name their plants) I will be a good lil sheep and follow along with the herd.

Until Sunday, Same Bat time, Same Bat Channel.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Stoner


Well-Known Member
Stoned Update:

As you can see by the type of update I got antsy and defoliated tonight after have some pineapple twist, Now there should be sunlight going through canopy. Pics are mixed up but basically 2 shots before and 2 shots after and after all girls have been watered.:shock:



Well-Known Member
Here's a picture of one of my blue dream she's pretty far behind yours piper but I need to flower in next week running out space.



Well-Known Member
Here's a picture of one of my blue dream she's pretty far behind yours piper but I need to flower in next week running out space.
Looks nice, im assuming you have a cab grow going on there. Hope you have a heavy harvest with your BD.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I have grow tent just a 1.2m x 1.2 x 2.0, the cabinet is my cloning and seed box use the t5 Cfl there have 2 for seeds and cloning and a 250w cfl for mother plants.


Well-Known Member
sounds good man, I am excited about cloning these plants. hopfully they are good producers.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro, yeah I'm going to keep the sativa dom I have it's really bushy and already has a smell to it can't wait to see how they turn out.


Well-Known Member
thats cool, im pleased to see have two different pheno's so depending on who is the best will determine which ones i keep after the first clones.


Well-Known Member

Fed the girls last night 50% strength nutes for the first *really second* time , pretty sure all the nutes have been leeched out of the FFOF so time to feed nutes. Ordered some more things for the grow also yesterday. Got a HPS bulb, flowering nutes , compost tea solution (aquashield), and got me a PH pen (Bluelab). and got the cloner kit which includes heating mat, trays, plugs, cloning gel, and dome.
Only thing left to get is the flouro lights. :)


Well-Known Member
Friday the 13th Update:

Got all my goodies yesterday. Only thing I need now are some lights for the cloning setup. I also measured the girls last night, 23" is the shortest one and 27" is the tallest one and the middle lady is at 24". Noticed the runt and the tall one are looking like they have cal-mag deficency, so i am assuming all 3 do that may be due to me not having a ph meter since just yesterday but I will correct the problems. Also I can finally add the aqua shield to the nute recipe. Will post pics up for all later tonight. Also on a positive note, you will be interested to see all the pistals I have on all the ladies :).

Until then over and stoned>.<


Well-Known Member
Picture Update

Did some cleaning up in the tent tonight! Cleaned the flood tray and removed the saucers that they were in. Also watered the ladies too. Crazy nuts me went and supercropped 2 of the girls again.

Enjoy because we are getting close to switching them over soon sooo soon.



Well-Known Member
Hey piper looking good I just switched mines to flower on Friday the 13th I'll try get a group shot just when the lights come on.
Using a 600w hps have 7 plants in a 1.2m x 2.0m tent in 10 litre pots of coco it's pretty cramped in there though probably 6 would have been effiecent only on my second grow though so still learning. When you planning on flowering your ladies?


Well-Known Member
Hey piper looking good I just switched mines to flower on Friday the 13th I'll try get a group shot just when the lights come on.
Using a 600w hps have 7 plants in a 1.2m x 2.0m tent in 10 litre pots of coco it's pretty cramped in there though probably 6 would have been effiecent only on my second grow though so still learning. When you planning on flowering your ladies?
I am going to switch them on the 5th of January the 5this when I will put them in 36hr dark period so should turn lights on Tuesday.