Pinworm's 600w RDWC Horrorshow (WWxBB Mainlined - NL5xHaze, Purple Fire, Sour Diesel)


Well-Known Member

Here's what's in my headphones right now. Check out the lyrics. Fucking badass:

A lie i once heard: "we're innocent until proved guilty"
But the truth is absurd
We're poor until proved rich
And the scales of justice are fixed by lying pigs

A plot of human terror unfolds behind the precinct door
To cage all the minorities, the immigrants and poor
Next they'll hunt the handicapped, disabled blind and deaf
And what will all these piggies do, ha! when there's no one left

Swat police in riot gear are bombing us tonight
An all our civil liberties will die by morning's light
While crooked politicians lie and rig the ballot book
We whitewash fake democracy and paint another coat

We'll keep you here to stay; you'll never get away
Your property ain't mine, until your dying day
We'll crush your soul inside; there is no easy ride
The hotel's never free and the rooms are always occupied

Nice of you to join us welcome to the prison age
Financial quest for new frontiers to build a bigger cage
Surplus populations growing all around the world
Capital invests quick to cage these boys and girls

We'll bomb the police state, assassinate the magistrate
We'll go to every town and burn them fucking prisons down

We'll keep you here to stay; you'll never get away
Your property and mine, until your dying day
The court pretenders fake, the judge is on the take
If you wanna find a cop you're gonna have to drag the lake

Capitalism creates such a division between the rich and the poor
That this surplus population is created
And "government" solution has been their containment for increasing petty offenses...

Plot of human terror unfolds behind the precinct door
To cage all the minorities, the immigrants and poor
Next they'll hunt the handicapped, disabled blind and deaf
And what will all these piggies do, ha! when there's no one left

We'll bomb the police state, assassinate the magistrate
We'll go to every town and burn them fucking prisons down
We'll bomb the police state, assassinate the magistrate
We'll go to every town and burn them fucking prisons down, down

(fucking pigs, fucking pigs,
War against the fucking pigs,
Stab them with some dirty rigs,
Bury them under dirt and twigs,
Gotta hate that gang of fucking pigs.)

EDIT: Aubrey (muh mate) says there sell outs, but I think he's just pissed off cause he didn't start listening to 'em until last month.



Well-Known Member
I've loved them since like.... 2006-2007. But kinda forgot about them for the last 5 or so years. hahaha.

I know a kid who used to practice with them when they were recording one of their albums.
He's the Punkest kid I know. lol JEAN MIGUEL!!!!!!!! lol


Well-Known Member
I've loved them since like.... 2006-2007. But kinda forgot about them for the last 5 or so years. hahaha.

I know a kid who used to practice with them when they were recording one of their albums.
He's the Punkest kid I know. lol JEAN MIGUEL!!!!!!!! lol
I met Sturg in Sacto one time, when I was squatting in an old industrial warehouse with an old friend about 7 years ago. Dude is legit. He smells like a skunk fucked a garbage can. He also "borrowed" $3.65 from me to eat some taco-bell. I have this itching suspicion I'll never see that back...


Well-Known Member

Urine speaks louder than words.


Well-Known Member
Try arguing that in court....

"Oh, you have a penis. You get nothing." lol
I'm still in debt because I hired a really good lawyer. I have my daughter every weekend during the school year and alternate weeks in the summer.


Well-Known Member
At least you make the effort. Most men who lose custody give up and leave.
Went through the gauntlet. I'm not even "legally allowed" to be within 500 yards of my baby girl. The judge knew what was up, though. My ex is liquid cash. that cunt destroyed me in the legal battle, but, my little one knows who she loves to be with. whenever she see's me, she goes," Uhmpoppa!" OMFG It melts my heart everytime. Shit, now I'm choked up.


Well-Known Member
Another one who puts the effort in EVEN IF the court says NO!.

Just keep moving down the right path and one day it will all be perfect.

PS Thanks for the sig quote. lol


Well-Known Member
edit: got upset and forgot that I also wanted to say congratualtions to Pin for getting off that horse! It's rough man.
Thanks duck. I've never been so destroyed. I just want to say thank you for being awesome, man. My inspiration for cleaning up is my baby girl. I'll never let her down. I know you guys know what that sensation is...


Well-Known Member
Another one who puts the effort in EVEN IF the court says NO!.

Just keep moving down the right path and one day it will all be perfect.

PS Thanks for the sig quote. lol
When I feel weak, you make me feel strong! I won't say your name, cause you know you are, I'll never be the same, no way.. I just want to say, thank you for playing the way you play...We don't get played on he radio. Right. Right on. When I feel weak, you make me feel strong, you make me feel strong, feel like nothings wrong....

I won't say your name...but, you know who you are, I'll never be the same again, now, now way....I just want to say, thank you for playing the way you play.....

Thanks brother. I've had a bad day until now. You're an amazing friend.

ii dP ii

hey just saw a few pages ago you're kicking the diesel pin. good for you bud, I hope you're done with the shit for good. shit ruined like 5 years of my life lol ended up locked up for some dumb shit but hey it made me who I am now.

anyway good luck on avoiding the garbage and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
So if WEED is a gateway drug. Why can we all still smoke weed and stay off drugs? lol.... Fuck the government.

ii dP ii

lol right? I stopped smoking the whole time I was on dope too, I couldn't afford the shit all my money went into my arm haha


Well-Known Member
hey just saw a few pages ago you're kicking the diesel pin. good for you bud, I hope you're done with the shit for good. shit ruined like 5 years of my life lol ended up locked up for some dumb shit but hey it made me who I am now.

anyway good luck on avoiding the garbage and happy growing.
Thank you, brother. I have the utmost respect for you man. One of the roughest physical experiences I've ever had was kicking the gnarly. Love you for being there for me when I'm struggling. I am weak asshole. Bottom line. My muscles are wrecked.... thank you soo much for being real with me, man. Many thousands of thanks...


Well-Known Member
Thank you, brother. I have the utmost respect for you man. One of the roughest physical experiences I've ever had was kicking the gnarly. Love you for being there for me when I'm struggling. I am weak asshole. Bottom line. My muscles are wrecked.... thank you soo much for being real with me, man. Many thousands of thanks...
Sorry to hear about your weak asshole. ;) sorry I couldn't resist.


Well-Known Member
I started reading and for some reason those 2 words just popped out the most. hahahaha. I typed the comment before reading the entire post. HAHAHAH


Well-Known Member
Good for you Pin. I've been down that round. Not with the baby but with my arm.

Props to you.

Smoke hash and eat candy! lots of candy!


Well-Known Member
Speaking of loose assholes... My wife tried to tell me if I keep fucking her in the ass that someday she won't be able to hold her farts in. I said, well maybe, buuuut I won't care by then!

When I divorced my first wife I saw my two boys every other weekend in the beginning while we got paperwork going. I realized they wouldnt even know me if thats all I got to see them. The day before our court date I told her every other weekend wouldnt cut it and if she didn't give me half custody that I would seek full custody. She was agreeable. So we shared time week on, week off, Fri-Fri. It wasn't a very common arrangement at the time, this was 18 years ago. I see it a lot more nowadays. It does kinda tie you to the X because for it to work you have to live near each other for school. My oldest is 22 now and chose to live with me after he got out of high school. The 18 year old is a senior in HS and we don't know what way he's going to go after he graduates. It will most likely be influenced by where he goes to school or work.

Started rambling... oops!