Pink Floyd Light show/ concert


Well-Known Member
so i'm going to a pink floyd light show, and i'm super pumped gonna get really baked:bigjoint:, and prolly smoke there, even tho its an indoor venue. i'll bring a joint and see if everyones smoking, and if they are i'll light up. anyways has anybody gone to them (the actual band or the light show while they play pink floyd in the background) and if so how did it go. and if you went to a pink floyd show i'd love to hear about your experience. my dad saw them in 95 at the pulse tour, he said it was absolutely amazing. the guy in front of him was tripping on acid and had the look and pose of a squirrel about to become road kill.


Well-Known Member
I hope you get to blaze in there. I went to cheech and chong this past summer and it was a non smoking facility that usually has plays and broadway type shows. I know some ppl had a sneak a toke but I only had joints and there were freaking employees everywhere looking. I was freaking pissed. I'm just glad I toked up some good AK47 before the show.


Well-Known Member
bring some hallucinogens. theres nothing better than a laser light show when your tripping

if its outdoors you should have no problem puffing a joint


Active Member
so i'm going to a pink floyd light show, and i'm super pumped gonna get really baked:bigjoint:, and prolly smoke there, even tho its an indoor venue. i'll bring a joint and see if everyones smoking, and if they are i'll light up. anyways has anybody gone to them (the actual band or the light show while they play pink floyd in the background) and if so how did it go. and if you went to a pink floyd show i'd love to hear about your experience. my dad saw them in 95 at the pulse tour, he said it was absolutely amazing. the guy in front of him was tripping on acid and had the look and pose of a squirrel about to become road kill.
When i saw them I was in the military, my older bro was stationed in Alconbury UK I was in Southern Bavaria (Germany), he flew me up for the weekend. (Mid 80's). So unfortunately beer was our only means of a buzz but the show was something I will never forget and being that it was the band Im glad I was coherent enough to remember it. But if i was to go to a laser show now I would be ripped off my ass...yup.


Active Member
I've seen the Pulse Tour DVD. One of the best lighting & music performances I have ever seen for bands.

You'll have a fun time!! Not so sure if toking inside will be a good idea. Just get baked before...

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Make some edibles. Eat them an hour or so before the show. Smoke on the way and you should be good. The last concert I went to, I smoked before. The show was an hour late, I lost my buzz about 20 minutes into the show, and there were security guards about 3 feet away the whole show. Next time its edibles before and smoking on the way. I should be good all night.


Wow Im well jealous, i wonna see there light show! Friggin love The Floyd!

Me and my mate watched the pulse dvd when i bought my TV and surround sound. We came home totally baked, and i was like "i borrowed this dvd from a bloke at work wonna watch it!" So we put it on! The very start, when they begin playing "speak to me (breath)" is intense! We both sat there completely glued to the tv, gettin sucked in to the images on the big screen at the gig. Then the screams start just before it kicks in and the lights go up, well we both tipped the fuck out! we laughed at how bloody awesome it was fro about 15minutes, untill tears ran down our faces! The Floyd are AMAZING, make me proud to be British as do Led Zeppelin. Oh... and we discovered Hendrix! Hehe

Peace and Love, Keep rockin



Well-Known Member
yeah man i'm def. pumped i'm getting dro and gonna have a couple of bowls in the bong i'm about to buy. the show starts at 8 but i doubt it will. i have a low tolerance so 2 bowls of dro with one other friend will send my flying. i'll be good for 3 hrs


I went to a pink floyd laser light show, it was so complex and very trippy, it was put on by the local science center. I went in high and made the experience more enjoyable!


Well-Known Member
The guys that put on the laser show are friends of mine, John is the main man and lives in Bordeaux, France. Was over there for the weekend a month or so back and his castle (yes he lives in a castle!) has lasers set up all over the place, crazy guy...