Pineapple express+Kandy kush. Hydro


Active Member
Pineapple express harvest:
After chop before snip snip

After a brief snip


Hash making. Cold water extraction style

And the roots:


Active Member
Btw my hand looks fat as fuck lol but it's really not. Weird angle I guess lol. Fingers are still sticky. Washed them 10,000 times.


Active Member
very nice! love the roots to very clean. So do u think that you maxd out your yeild with the waterfarm or do u think you coulda gotta little more with an even canopy?


Active Member
very nice! love the roots to very clean. So do u think that you maxd out your yeild with the waterfarm or do u think you coulda gotta little more with an even canopy?
I'm very happy so far with what I got out of one plant. I'm not sure of weight yet but I am for sure I did not reach the limit on the waterfarm. The canopy not being even didn't help that's why next grow both waterfarms will have same strain and I'm going to drill even more roots holes in bucket. I can vouche for the Great White root zone. That's has what kept my roots so clean and not getting rot. I just finished making the last of the first round of hash. Next round will be after I give a more closer trim before they go into the jars. This was a lot of fun and I'm super excited to try it all out. Any questions just ask. Btw. Hash smells amazing.


Active Member
Congrats on the harvest growa :mrgreen: The hash and buds look amazing I can't wait til we get a smoke report haha. Also was wondering how you harvested like did you leave them in darkness for 3 days, etc? Hope that makes sense lol.


Active Member
Ya the smoke report is very highly anticipated everything looks beautiful and eager for the next grow, like you said having the same strain in both of the waterfarms will deff make things easier, are you gonna run the 250w again to or try to just keep the 400 with a even canopy?


Active Member
those roots were nutz lookin man...... nice hash long till ur dry and cure is done now???????? hows the kk doing how much longer?????? Kush is like sam adams always a good decision.....


Active Member
Yea cure should take a week or two. Kush has like 2 weeks left. I'm prolly going to upgrade to 600w. I got to give the 250w back to my buddy. Yes roots her stupid clean but the water they were in smelled nasty.

@wak I didn't leave them in long darkness. My busy shit so I had to do it a cretin day. They are hanging in the dark now. The hash was very easy to make. Taste and smokes great. I will give a written smoke report on it tonite as smoking it for super bowl! Lol


Active Member
I am not familiar with hash... never had it. Can you explain why you make hash and is it a mixture of leaves and bud? Sorry totally in the dark on hash. lol