Pineapple Express G13 Lab's Seed to Harvest

Hey there Slugga! I've always been able to drain it through the water-level tube on the side. It helps if you put the whole waterfarm on a few styrofoam blocks before you start, then the floor of your grow tent will be lower than the bottom of the waterfarm, making it easier to drain. I drain into a large ziplock container until it's empty..

Let me know if that makes sense! :)
Just wanted to give big props to SCOTTYBALLS and the major contributors to this thread.
I was turned on to it by Dr.Amber and her current waterfarm journal, so I gave it a read.
Yep, all 1002 posts. There is an amazing about of info in here!
I like reading the journals of successful and popular grows, maybe that's just me.
I will say that one of the things that I have picked up in doing so, is that the same questions are asked again, and again...and yet again. (not just in this thread, but in many). I understand that not everyone is going to take the time to read a 1000 post thread. But with that said, it is my opinion that if one does just a bit of research on your own, you would learn so much more, and ultimately be a better grower for it.
There is a search function in this forum. There is the ever amazing "Google"! You can ask Siri, or Alexa!
I think that if you are willing to do a bit of research on your own, and still don't understand, or are just hung up on a specific point, then when you do need to ask for help, that you will be more likely to receive useful answers for the 'old timers' round here.
However, I am new to public forums, and perhaps I just don't get it.
I'll hop down from my soap box now...
Please understand that this is just my opinion, and I most certainly do not intend offence to anyone.
(And for full disclosure, I am a complete NOOB, without a single grow under my belt.)
Great read.
Cheers to all,
Yes, I completely agree. It’s important to take time to read the journals . after doing many waterfarms successfully I took 4 years off away from doing them and forgot so much. I needed to dig back into this journal and my own very first waterfarm journal on here from 2011 to see how I did things successfully back then. Very helpful. One tip I can give that helped me navigate pages if you need to take a break from reading is to Remember what page you left off on and when you are ready to return to reading at the bottom of page 2 you can highlight the page number and an option to type the page you want to skip to is available, so you can pick up where you left off!
I will say that one of the things that I have picked up in doing so, is that the same questions are asked again, and again...and yet again. (not just in this thread, but in many). I understand that not everyone is going to take the time to read a 1000 post thread. But with that said, it is my opinion that if one does just a bit of research on your own, you would learn so much more, and ultimately be a better grower for it.

*and ultimately be a better person for it.

This mentality can be applied to anything. Teach someone to fish vs giving them a fish and all that. Society has gotten too caught up with chasing superficial shit and outsourcing basic skills to "someone else".
January, 2021.. seriously thinking about coming out of retirement.
Very excited to see what the next step will be. I am just finishing up this massive read, thanks for all the info you shared.

I started some ak-47 autos in 2 water farms setup in a 4 x 2 tent with 2 spider farmer 1000w led, will be using this thread as a reference.