Pineapple Express, Day 8, Drip System. What's wrong? First time grow.


Well-Known Member
First time hydroponics grower. Started a Pineapple Express fem and a Skunk #1 fem 8 days ago. Both were under a 400w HPS from day 2. Temperature in grow tent is 78-85 depending upon time of day/which fans I have running/temperature in room. Humidity is between 40-60. Both plants were on regular tap water w/ a ppm of 52 and a PH of 7.3 (i know this is a little high, but i didn't want to mess with nutes or PH up/down this early in their lives). I let them grow like that, under 20/4 lighting. By day 7 I started them both on a 300ppm strength nute solution, with a PH of 6.7 (nutes buffered my water some, but not as much as I'd like). It is now day 8 and the PE has a bit of yellowing at the tips of its first set of true leaves, but the Skunk #1 looks very healthy, and has started to grow the next set of leaves. I know I jumbled a lot of random information together, but I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the deal is with my PE fem. Here are the pictures. The first is the Skunk #1 by day 5 just for a comparison to the PE. The next two are PE at day 8 with the yellowing I was wondering about. And the last picture is the PE at day 4. Its hard to tell, but by this time the cotyledons were drooping and I was worried about that as well. any help would be appreciated.
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Active Member
yeah i agree hold back on the nutes a bit longer they still more or less seedling stage and water them with a ph of 6 like said above

i personally think those pots are way to big for there size man u need to let them build a root ball b4 going into a decent size pot they should be ok just might take awhile b4 they take off


Active Member
what lights are you using for vegging? hps is for flowering... I try to lower ph to 5.8, and 85F is a bit high try to keep the max at 80F. What kind of nutes are you using? are the roots getting water and are they long enough to show on the bottom? good luck with the grow!


Well-Known Member
I'll lower nutrient solution, but is PH Down not going to affect the nutrients? And as for pot size, I copied a fellow growers journal more or less, and he has amazing results every grow w/ the same procedure, so I figured going straight to the hydroton would work. The Skunk #1 has been under the same conditions, yet it shows no yellowing on the tips, and has grown a little faster/looks healthier overall. Both plants have been receiving the same ph/ppm water, so what's the deal with the PE?
I'm using a 400w HPS as stated above. I'm well aware that HPS is for flowering, but as I can't afford a MH bulb at the moment, it's all I have to use. And as far as only using one or the other, HPS is better from start to finish than MH. I'm sure you are well aware of that, just saying. I'll lower PH and try to keep temps down. I'm using FloraDuo Part A and B. It's pretty hard to tell if the roots are getting water as I can't see through hydroton, but I try to keep the drip ring in a position so that it looks like it would drip down to the roots. Same applies for the roots growing out the bottom as the cocotek liner is pretty thick and doesn't have a ton of holes for roots to grow down through if they were to make it that far this soon.

Very thankful for all the help, would be much easier to diagnose if both plants were showing the same symptoms, but its only one plant having problems. : (


Active Member
They're fine just add regular water till they get a bit bigger. Your pot size is fine. Don't trip over a bit of yellowing leaves, when people try to start "fixing" chit that's when they screw everything up. The PE just might take a bit longer to take off.


Active Member
I think for the vegging the plant might like some cfl too. i think it works great 64ook bulb 40w and up. might even be good as it is though.


I had the same problem with my first seedling. It ended up dying actually. You need to bury that drip ring. I had mine high like yours and it basically just over watered them. But I had mine in a rockool cube so it soaked up a lot more water. Get your PH down to 5.8. 7.3 is way too high. I also had yellow spots on my first leaves but it was fine


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tips. Yeah the drip ring being too high is a pain...I'm nuting early, trying to follow a fellow RIUs grow log, and the water that sprays on the leaves seems to be burning them or something. I know being constantly wet isn't good for her, and the water is leaving a nutrient buildup on the leaves slightly. I keep rinsing her with ph adjusted tap water.
She's looking good despite a few annoyances. Making sure to keep the water around 6.0, I don't like using a lot of the PH down as it seems to take different amounts every time I try to drop my tap water 1 ph. Got a grow log going at:
Haven't been keeping up w/ updates on the Skunk though.