Pineapple Chunk Monster | 400w | DWC

Sounds like a good idea to me man I think I'm pulling my plants this weekend too. Its gonna be about 60 days from 12/12 as well. Theres a few of them I might let go a bit longer but we'll see.
Sounds like a good idea to me man I think I'm pulling my plants this weekend too. Its gonna be about 60 days from 12/12 as well. Theres a few of them I might let go a bit longer but we'll see.

If i had the luxury of harvesting when i truly pleased i would probably do it next weekend but i dont :( Hopefully someday when i own a home.
Scoping the bitches right now, posting this from in my growroom.

Everything looks either Cloudy or slightly on the verge of going amber. There is still a few clear trichs but from what i can tell they are still small and must be pretty new on the scene. Not waiting for them. Going to be harvesting Saturday, day 60. If i wait until the pistils are receded and brown she will be way over-cooked imo.

People love debating the harvest window of cannabis, i just do what i think is best for the people smoking it.
I hear ya there man. I think the harvest window get way over analyzed. Everyone is so worried about harvesting at the right moment and seems to have this impression that if they are a few days early or late they are gonna ruin their crop. I would like to see anyone other then a actual test tell the difference between bud that is only a week or 2 apart.
Hopefully in 5-10 years it will be legal for people to do real trials to debunk or prove some of these myths around growing lol

like lollipopping,flushing,harvest window, etc...
glad i made it before she finished! she looks great, but is it a little hot in there for her?

that kush looks like candy my dude. what breeder? im running a master kush and a chemdawg (which is og kush/diesel). hope mine look that good.

its pineapple chunk lol, it doesnt get too hot, i lowered my light too close one night and the leaves didnt like it very much, its since been corrected

edit: did you post on wrong journal? just doesnt seem to make sense to me
this haha.

i am very interested in pineapple as well, but i know who breeds pineapple chunk :p

ah ok sorry, it was from world of seeds, i ran AK from world of seeds again in my hydro setup and it just wasnt the same
hmm..thats odd, becuase im thinking about switching to coco.

was that kush pulled the same day the first pic was taken? im asking beucase if so, the pistils turned as it was drying. trying to find a good harvest spot.

yes the first 2 pics were from harvest day. Day 59 flowering is when i took her.

here is that journal i did, first one here on RIU lol.

couple of the pictures are gone but most of them are there, harvest is on page 13.
Have to harvest tonight instead of early tomorrow, landlord is coming up to collect rent tomorrow! Hustle time!
Some harvest shots

Flowered: 59 total days

Trichs: 90%+ cloudy, decent amount of amber, couple clears still

Tried some scissor hash, not fruity at all, mostly skunky. Cure will bring around the flavor quite a bit though.

Im guessing at least 7 ounces. Will be posting what i do get total with some pictures when the time comes aswell as a full smoke report

Some bud shots are not fully trimmed, i usually do it again when im going to place em in jars

Looks good but appears it could've went maybe another 2 weeks as all the pistils are white and haven't started to recede into the calyxes but I'm sure it will be killer still.
I thought she was a bit young by the pics as well, but I prefer a bit to the underripe upper side than the overripe couchy side, so I understand. Lovely chunky buds man, great job! See a lot of sharp tips on tiny tight leaves.. looks like she wasn't much to trim?

Scissor has is my favorite smoke. Only one time of year you really get that... HARVEST TIME BABY!!! :fire:
Looks very nice man, gonna be a decent yield I'd say. Seems like you had a busy night! Mines gonna be sunday I think, along with a re-setup for the next go around.
looks like you've got a lot of nice bud there. Personally like to see my buds more ripe and ugly before chop but to each their own. good job.
Ripe is relative to trichomes, and preference, ugly is relative to your growing ability. Many of the best growers keep their plants green and healthy to the end so they produce the best quality and quantity of bud. Trichomes are at their peak of THC when they are cloudy, so it would appear he harvested at about the opportune time for that.
Looks very nice man, gonna be a decent yield I'd say. Seems like you had a busy night! Mines gonna be sunday I think, along with a re-setup for the next go around.

not too busy, had 4 family members come over and do most of the work for me! All i had to do was entertain. Easy.

Thanks everyone for following and hopefully will follow my next grow aswel, LSD. Like i said before ill be doing a smoke report aswel as a dry weight post when its all said and done.