pineapple chunk and northern lights 28 days of flower issues?


Well-Known Member
helloo everyone- i have some yellowing and golden tips and a few brown tips curling going on my pineapple chunk in middle leaves. still all dark green leaves through out the rest of the plant. and the northern lights(from seed) are yellowing through out mostly it seems middle and upt. :/ i use #4 soil. pure blend bloom the day i flipped at about 15 ml per gal. also use cal mag at 5ml and (nector for the gods) hurclean harvest about 15 ml gal and aphordities extraction at about 5ml .. ro water. feed water.feed phd to about 6- 6.5 all been about the same since day one. maybe low n?
900 w mars hydro in a 30 x30 tent . 4 inch inline extract running about 50 % passive intake. humidity between 40 and 60 and temps 65 -80. 28th day of flower for both. pineapple chunk from clone and on on the right on the tent and seems to be doing well. but im not sure overall because i have very little experience. sorry for any confusion.
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Well-Known Member
Most of the leaves look great. That could be some old nute burn, possibly. I don't think I'd sweat it too much as this point.


Well-Known Member
Most of the leaves look great. That could be some old nute burn, possibly. I don't think I'd sweat it too much as this point.
the first pic is the pineapple chunk which seems to be doing fine.. a little discoloration here and there on a few lower leaves but i do see what looks like purple around some of the sugar leaves edges..
the the other plant which is lighter now has some purple coming on the leaves near the top of the plant and also through branches lower leaves are all still a deeper green..just top of the plant seems to be affected ... i go into the 6th week tomorrow. any feed back would be awesome thanks!


Well-Known Member
Purple can be a trait or it can be caused by cold temps or cal/mag deficiency. If it's cal/mag deficiency just the new growth will be affected. (From what I have read). I add Calmag with most feedings in soil. Not sure if I need it, but I err on the side of caution.


Well-Known Member
Purple stems are a sign of phosphorus deficiency. Purple buds is genetics and or low temps.
All my nutes are higher in phos. Could it be getting locked out from too much calcium. Since I use calmag and herculean harvest which is calcium?


Its hard to tell what's causing it. Every batch of plants I grow I give different amounts of nutes to a few plants. Some get higher amounts and some lower. It helps me figure out exactly how much to feed them the next time around. I label my pots and keep notes, everything from temp, humidity, light distance, what day they were watered.