I'm going to give it a go. This is more to see if I can. I'm hardening off 4 autos in 10 gallon bags to go outside for good this weekend. I'm trying different things just to see if I can.Having lived in phoenix for a bit I would just stop at that depth and bury pots
It’s hard to water enough for in-ground plants in that climate
But buried half way ?
No issues
10 gallon bags to go outside for good this weekend. I'm trying
great idea, i was going to mention those plastic garbage cans, burried, especialy if water in the ground is at a premium, there going to nred all the help they can.Since you mention it's very dry in the area would it be a good idea to dig garbage can sized holes, put garbage cans into the holes then back fill the garbage cans with premium soil? Leave enough space from the rim of the can to the top of the soil in the can so you can dump a 5 gallon bucket of water into the garbage can. ?