Pinching Good or Bad?


:weed: Can anyone tell me if pinching is a good way to control height?
I've heard good and bad things about it, and I wanted a 3rd perspective.
If it is a good idea could someone please let me know what the best way safely to do it is? :weed:


Active Member
I done it to some sativas i had mixed in with some indicas, nothing bad came of it, and it kept their height down too.


Well-Known Member
pinchin/stalling/supercropping is a great way to control your canopy and encourage lower growth to join the tops

by gently breaking the inner hurn (when the stem snaps you;re breaking the inner hurd) I beive some chemicals are released that makes the plant tink it was TOPPED and the pinched/stalled/supercropped lead will stop growing for a few days (hence why it is sometimes called "stalling") while the plant forces lower branches to rise up.

i use the technique to control my canopy into week 3 of flower.

good luck


Well-Known Member
should also mentions the "stalled" leads can produce bigger heavier buds than non "stalled leads.

just my experience....


Well-Known Member
no dude pinch away, including main middle stem, JUST GO EASY!!! i have had great success at supper cropping, i still top as well. FIM
