Pin-up Girl


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,
I've been learning howe to use photoshop over the past few weeks, and thought i'd play with my latest bud shot. The plant's 'Sensi Skunk' by Sensi Seeds of Amsterdam, so I thought i'd make something like a poster out of it.

I really think we should start a rollitup calendar for 2008, bud shots of your best green, seeds for the included pics. Anyone up for that? Let's have a mock run, if anyone fancies a go then i'd love to see some more trichomes up here!
Bong-on :joint:


Well-Known Member
Ok everyone. I just whipped this up. Lemme know what you all think!

I thought this was a great idea. Perhaps I will modify the last 1-2 months pic for when I harvest and get a pic of the finished crop.



Well-Known Member
Yeah BTT, there are some lovely shots there! My only criticisms of the calendar are that the pics are all a bit samey, and that I would hope that if we get one person to do each page, then you'll get 12 different varieties to ogle at! Forgive me if they're 12 different varieties, I just presumed not. For some variation, maybe a shot of an emerging seedling, some leaves, and yes, of course some trichomalicious money shots!


Well-Known Member
Yea i understand how they look the same. They are the same strain and most pics are of my best looking plant. I didn't put any seedling or veg photos cuz they do not do justice as the ones I used do.