Pile of curing weed

Well the Mexican brick pack is at least cured. Too bad they started with crap genetics. But I actually don't recommend that anyone other than me do this. Too much trouble. Just keep making the green shitweed so people can cough a lot, they seem to enjoy it.
Brick pack mexican is not cured , I've seen literatly tons of it in my day, none is cured. I've grown great cannabis from mexican brick seeds, It's usually decent genetics grown hastily , poorly dried and no cure so they can pack it up and ship it north.
i smoke green buds and i don't cough at all unless i over do it and any smoke overdone will make you cough
Well I can tell the difference between my own weed before I started this curing thing and after. No comparison. It's WAY less harsh, smells like real weed and looks better. If smoking chlorophyll was a good thing why would tobacco growers go to the trouble of curing it? Chlorophyll is harsh as fuck, that's why.
Brick pack mexican is not cured , I've seen literatly tons of it in my day, none is cured. I've grown great cannabis from mexican brick seeds, It's usually decent genetics grown hastily , poorly dried and no cure so they can pack it up and ship it north.
Okay fine, I'm not a Mexican weed user so not really able to make a judgment. However, the bricks do usually look brown in photos I've seen.

Anyway, I'm happy with my cured product and I post pics now and then just so people can have the novelty of seeing actual cured weed. Not saying everyone would find it preferable, maybe some people like green weed, which is fine. Green uncured weed has become the industry standard. I like to give mine some extra refinement, that's all.
To each there own :) BB
Yeah that's my philosophy too. If you like producing green weed and people don't gripe then by all means. And since everybody produces green weed nobody will even know any better. They'll think they're getting primo when they're actually getting industrial grade.
Indeed it is more work, which is why nobody else does it, and why I have no serious competition. It's about quality, not easiness. Anybody can produce mediocre green weed, but it's crap compared to my professionally cured brown weed. I wouldn't even pay money for the green weed you see in the jars in dispensaries. That's just for the suckers and Philistines. Mine is connoisseur grade.
Well I can tell the difference between my own weed before I started this curing thing and after. No comparison. It's WAY less harsh, smells like real weed and looks better. If smoking chlorophyll was a good thing why would tobacco growers go to the trouble of curing it? Chlorophyll is harsh as fuck, that's why.
Because tobacco growers grow for the plant material weed growers grow for the shit the plant material produces...two completely different plants that should be dried/cured completely differently
They look to dry. Whats the humidity %?
It was in the 90s at that time. Not dry at all. So anyway, now 12 hours after that last image it looks done to me. So now I'll take the lid off and let it get dry enough to handle for manicuring. Wrapping the pads around the pile seems to have helped. Got browner than last time when I only had one pad and couldn't wrap it over. It worked better than ever this time. That second pad paid off. In total I gave it 60 hours at 100 F and 12 hours at 125 F. It'll cure a little more when I put the cleaned buds back in after manicuring for the final drying.


Earlier image for comparison
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Because tobacco growers grow for the plant material weed growers grow for the shit the plant material produces...two completely different plants that should be dried/cured completely differently
So what's that stuff in the jars, are they going to extract it and throw the vegetative material away? Probably gonna smoke the whole shit. Therefore, the whole shit needs to be cured. But like I said, I don't recommend anyone else cure their weed, only me. This thread is for novelty purposes only. Don't try this at home. It's very dangerous. Your weed could get too mild and smell and taste too good. Nobody wants that. Everybody else's weed needs to be harsh and smell and taste like it was just cut. It's for the best, trust me.
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Here it is after the manicuring.


Here's the container of trim. The greener bits are what I trimmed off right when I chopped, the leaves stayed fairly green. The brown little buds are the new stuff. Another successful curing operation completed, well after the final drying part which will take several hours. It smells fantastic btw.


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There is no way it smells anywhere near as good if you woul have dryd cured the right way....shit takes TIME...you say people dont do it cause it work but the truth is people don't do it cause a proper cure takes months not days in a oven...your rushing it cause your impatient

My feelings exactly ....if OP fed me a line saying he had great weed and I showed up to his brown mountain it would seriously be hard not to laugh and then fake a sudden illness just so I could leave to go smoke my super sticky GREEN that has a 6 month slow cure on it ....
There is no way it smells anywhere near as good if you woul have dryd cured the right way....shit takes TIME...you say people dont do it cause it work but the truth is people don't do it cause a proper cure takes months not days in a oven...your rushing it cause your impatient

My feelings exactly ....if OP fed me a line saying he had great weed and I showed up to his brown mountain it would seriously be hard not to laugh and then fake a sudden illness just so I could leave to go smoke my super sticky GREEN that has a 6 month slow cure on it ....

I cure, but just like the above two posts Quotes i let it take time. Whats a few months to get great tasting buds? Ive got some that are approaching a year curing atm and have had some cure for over two years.

If your drying/curing in 90% humidity in that kind of heat beware of mold.

Dry it anyway you want OP but dont be saying none of us cure our harvest. Thats just a silly thing to say.
Here it is after the manicuring.


Here's the container of trim. The greener bits are what I trimmed off right when I chopped, the leaves stayed fairly green. The brown little buds are the new stuff. Another successful curing operation completed, well after the final drying part which will take several hours. It smells fantastic btw.


Looks like a burnt pot meatloaf