Pig4buzz auto flowers outdoors

ky man

Well-Known Member
That dark devil looks good I would not mind having seeds of that to grow for that purple looks killer and your cheese is growing good.


Well-Known Member
Well my auto am not sure about. Pistil all over them yet not stacking 10 weeks almost. 6 ft tall 4.5ft and 4ft tall now. These plants showed sex May 24 had brothers show too. Not sure what is going on. Any suggestion. Are they confused on whether to flower out? Being each side of plants genetic are of equal dominance? Ready to chop these bitches!



Well-Known Member
Well the autos went back into veg so all for naught. I cut them way back in hope to get something. Got a few autos in woods not much to them. Just started to flower. Little advice don't buy seeds from no bser. It cost me one crop of autos.
Here's a couple of pics. Hope to get a hooter or two. Lol.
These are heavyweight bag seeds. I got dark purple, amnesia, and ajjenaro, in cups and 3 more mystery so seeds. I will put pics up later



Well-Known Member
Well by the first plants I started must of turned to photo. I had to chop them way back. Hope to get something. The smell really concerns me. I do have 3 more now about 25 days old. They are mystery seeds. I know one is suppose to be massive midget Two were stunted from the get go. One I lst and it looks pretty good. Here is the pic. Will post others later. They are very small.



Well-Known Member
Got two new girls to pop today. Happy Birthday! .
They are amnesia and dark purple. I have one other yet to pop she is ajjenaeno (wrong spelling) was a discount. This my 2nd to try and get to pop. Here are the BD girls



Well-Known Member
The last of my autos they are white LSD,I'M going to leave these under my T5 light indoors.I hope they grow with the grow bulbs don't have any of the Flowering bulbs.My outside auto blew away in a wind storm and i lost my outdoor crop for the year.The two in my greenhouse look to be about three weeks from finishing they are small but smell potent.



Well-Known Member
Here are the two that were sick from. Start. May get a couple J's

Sorry to hear about the auto eddy. Hope you get something off you survivors.



Well-Known Member
These popped at the same time i wish it would have ended up the same size as the photo.I have two of these this size possibly a couple of quart jars trimmed out not sure



Well-Known Member
Update on couple gorilla auto grow. Looking better, stretched a bit. Here is a couple of pics. Again heavyweight bag seeds. Grasshopper eat top out of one mfer.

Hope to get s couple jars out of 8 They all look about the same. Flowering 2wks



Well-Known Member
Well damn rabbit ate 3 of my autos. Jumped the fucker up. Setting the steel traps. 5 left not looking to great
Pic of the three autos in my garden these were taken Saturday 7/2



Well-Known Member
Here are 3 new girls. Well 4. Had one seed not sprout after 4 days put it in soil anyway and dropped another. They are auto amnesia, dark purple and the two are Alpujarrena. Not sure what going to do with the two in same pot. Guess let them go. Will be TPing in next couple days in 5 gal grow bags.

