Piff Coast Farms

A5=Haze A x NL5

Nevil's Haze= A5 x Haze C

Nevil supposedly had 3 hazes, A, B, and C.

B was the only female, but he didn't like it, so he killed it without making any seeds, (at least no seeds anyone has ever seen)... which is very odd...

A5, and C5, are both Northern lights 5 x Haze. One using the A male, one using the C male.
so what’s the story on the a5 I’m not always online to keep up with the theories .. you saying it a indica x haze ?

I just grow plants and let them speak idc what anyone says that a5 is not incense and metallic like the nevils it’s like a strong haze minus the parts that make it hazy also the nevilles mom they used in the ace cross didn’t carry over the incense niether had the looks tho but it tasted similar to the A5 cross

A5 HAZE: Nl5 x Haze A

At least the GREEN HAZE (Green OldTimer's Haze 19 x A5 Haze) that I had the privilege to test for A.C.E. before releasing it commercially, does have a strong cathedral incensey part (combined with lemonade/fermented lemon/slightly metallic lemon, and a meaty finish like sautéed livers).
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A5 HAZE: Nl5 x Haze A (or viceverse).

At least the GREEN HAZE (Green OldTimer's Haze 19 x A5 Haze) that I had the privilege to test for A.C.E. before releasing it commercially, does have a strong cathedral incensey part (combined with lemonade/fermented lemon/slightly metallic lemon, and a meaty finish like sautéed livers).

how long did it flower ? It’s crazy Bc I seen it this morning for sale and almost got sucked in that and the Thai x a5 should be fire ..I think the incense came from the old timers side
It would be very interesting to see them. Original Haze not hybridized with indica or early sativa, or that goes from 16-20 weeks, to 10. 2 weeks earlier than the firts earliest originals Nl5 x Haze...

I don't know if the published follow-ups of its cultivation confirm with photos that early flowering...

The great 80's cut, which is perhaps a parent to some of the early nyc hazes. A original f1 nl5 x haze. (Not my pic just found iIMG_20200910_222816.pngt of insta)
I think tod has documented some 10-12 week ohz already too
Ps. The great 80's cut is a original 5c an not a 5a like some people think.
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how long did it flower ? It’s crazy Bc I seen it this morning for sale and almost got sucked in that and the Thai x a5 should be fire ..I think the incense came from the old timers side

Aparte de lo que diga la información de ACE sobre la variedad (13-16 semanas indoor) yo solo puedo hablarte de mi parte del testeo (exterior sin invernadero en clima y zona montañosa no mediterránea y lo más fría posible) : comenzó a florar el 20 de Septiembre (latitud 40° aprox), y la recogí a mediados de Diciembre (pero creo que en climas costeros o más cálidos podría estar el 7 Diciembre).

Apart from what the ACE information says about the variety (13-16 weeks indoor) I can only tell you about my part of the test (outdoors without greenhouse in a non-Mediterranean climate and mountainous area and as cold as possible): it started flowering on September 20th (latitude 40° approx), and I picked it in mid-December (but I think that in coastal or warmer climates it could be on December 7th).
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Aparte de lo que diga la información de ACE sobre la variedad (13-16 semanas) yo solo puedo hablarte de mi parte del testeo (exterior sin invernadero en clima y zona montañosa no mediterránea y lo más fría posible) : comenzó a florar el 20 de Septiembre (latitud 40° aprox), y la recogí a mediados de Diciembre (pero creo que en climas costeros o más cálidos podría estar el 7 Diciembre).

Apart from what the ACE information says about the variety (13-16 weeks) I can only tell you about my part of the test (outdoors without greenhouse in a non-Mediterranean climate and mountainous area and as cold as possible): it started flowering on September 20th (latitude 40° approx), and I picked it in mid-December (but I think that in coastal or warmer climates it could be on December 7th).
What did you personally think of it smoke wise montuno, in comparison to other high quality types please ?
What did you personally think of it smoke wise montuno, in comparison to other high quality types please ?

Su psicoactividad es principalmente introspectiva, clara y positiva: aclara y refresca la mente, permite la concentracion y es muy creativa intelectualmente (se te ocurren muchos pensamientos sobre el tema); pero si la tarea intelectual que tienes que hacer no te gusta para nada, la mente puede derivar hacia otros pensamientos más de su gusto, o a darle por hacerte percibir mucho más claramente lo ridículo y/o divertido de cada situacion.
Es introspectiva, pero para nada antisocial.

Es alegre, pero no hasta llegar a poder calificarse como eufórica. Puede ser muy divertida e hilarante, y casi mental y físicamente motivante, pero no llega a lo euforizantes.

Físicamente te anima y motiva, pero no llega a ser nunca eléctrica (o excitante, cafeínica, espidica,). Puedes sentarte y estar muy a gusto, siempre que tengas la mente bien ocupada ya sea leyendo, con cine, música o simplemente conversando o pensando en solitario en tus cosas : pero como no la mente no tenga esta ocupación, mejor buscate un perro que pasear, alguien con quien bailar (o conversar, o amar)... porque sino vas a acabar limpiando la casa desde el techo al suelo.

En una escala de 0 a 10 (ambos incluidos) yo creo que su potencia en su momento óptimo estará entre 7 y 8, y su calidad psicoactiva, entre 8 y 8'5.

Its psychoactivity is mainly introspective, clear and positive: it clears and refreshes the mind, allows concentration and is very creative intellectually (many thoughts on the subject come to mind); but if the intellectual task you have to do does not please you at all, the mind can drift towards other thoughts more to its liking, or to give you for making you perceive much more clearly the ridiculous and/or funny of each situation.
She is introspective, but not at all antisocial.

She is cheerful, but not to the point of being euphoric. It can be very funny and hilarious, and almost mentally and physically motivating, but not to the point of euphoric.

Physically it encourages and motivates you, but it never becomes electric (or exciting, caffeinic, spidic,). You can sit and be very comfortable, as long as you have your mind well occupied either reading, with movies, music or just talking or thinking alone in your things: but if your mind does not have this occupation, better find yourself a dog to walk, someone to dance with (or talk, or love) ... because otherwise you will end up cleaning the house from the ceiling to the floor.

On a scale of 0 to 10 (both included) I believe that its potency at its optimum will be between 7 and 8, and its psychoactive quality, between 8 and 8'5.
Just a side thought, I just smoked some Cinderella 99....been smoking it steady for the last month or so.....some nugs taste way more pineappley than others.....but the ones that taste slightly-pineappley are my favorite because you get what I'd refer to as a haze taste.

This C99 tastes more hazey than a lot of hazes lol....i really wonder how close of a relative C99 is to haze?
C99 is a baby of Jack herer so it's def got a bunch of haze in her.. from back when everything was Sk/NL/Hz..

smoking on the harlem now, its absolute fire. ive seen the pineapple terps in amnesia, the piff s2s, the mango stuff.. i wonder if thats when its heavy on myrcene and pinene but light on ocimene.. the haze A stuff is known to be the danker darker leathery incense shit and the haze C is the fruity one, but they both come from the same lineage. they were brothers, so in F2 you can find a whole ton of shit. ive found incense in haze C descendants and fruit in haze A descendants.
I grew up in NY. It the late 90s I remember friends using the name piff as a general term for weed.

When I started smoking in early 2000, "Purple Haze" was going around. It was the best smoke I've consumed. It had a very distinct soapy smell. I would hit the bong and be "stuck" in deep thought the first 15 minutes. It made you feel very euphoric and social. It also made listening to music really awesome.

The "Purple Haze" seemed to be very consistent for about 3 years. The buds were brownish with a little bit purple on it. We knew back then it was special. It just disappeared and Sour took over. The Washington Heights, Dominicans story goes all the way back to early 2000. I have heard it several times over the years.

I picked up some PCF Midnight Mass hoping it will have similar qualities to the "Purple Haze". If it doesn't, how could I blame the breeder?

I don't even know what I really smoked. Now we are finding out it was probably A5 Haze. Piff or Purple Haze are just names of a haze variants. If it doesn't end up being what I was looking for then, I will just move on. It's a bag of seeds, not a ponzi scheme. Healthy skepticism is good but let's not pretend that we haven't spent $$$ on "fire" and it turned out to be whack.

Do you go after the drug dealer and publicly bash them? Probably not. The Piff might not be what he had in mind but someone else might appreciate it.

Haze is finally getting more attention. PCF seems to be moving the conversation forward. Let's wait for the reports and decide with our wallets.
we had variations of these hazes all throughout jersey in the 2000s too.. only a select few times did i get the top top shelf versions that you described as the purple from up in the heights. there was also a version to be had in newark that was similar to redline haze, but a bit skunkier. just sharp incense pinecones with a bit of skunk, honestly the best haze ive ever seen still to this day. the shit everyone said was laced. the big diff between this haze and the CBH and Piff is the hairs.. the best haze always had pistils that seemed to be twice as long, at least from what I found. The best price I was ever able to get on a QP was 1300 but holy shit was it something special.

Appreciate your outlook and mindset towards the whole thing, way too many angry weirdo elitists about haze. Im usually running some PCF gear and have smoked his stuff a bunch, you wont be disappointed. But as you know popping a 10 pack is just a dice roll. Its hard to put out a bad product when you use such elites as parents though.
Again: So, was that Purple Haze that flooded the east coast in the 2000s really the Red Dot pheno of O.Haze...or a reddish/purple pheno of an Nl5-Haze (or similar)?

As for "elitism", perhaps it means in my language "not to be fooled" ..... Like when they wanted to sell me an authentic Spanish Working Mastiff at the price of its weight in Black Cuban Dominican Dutch Jaze seeds...and I found myself with a St. Bernard mongrel.... He also called me an elitist (but his dog was still worth its weight in gold: the guy was not an elitist).
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I wonder what is your (and the other forum friend) concept of F1....

And by the way, in this story, the mongrel of St. Bernard and Spanish Mastiff of Beauty that was only worth to eat and shit the poor thing, was a real F1. Not like, for example, my Doberman son of the 7 times European multichampion Indo de Swarland, he was nothing more than a stabilized multipolyhybrid of shit.....

Now that I also tell you that if someone tells you that they have Dobermans that are real F1.....

Pd: Here, the cousins also sell the Haze Gitana (gypsy haze), aka JitanoJaze...je, je...aka Money Haze.
(Actually it is Amnesia Cordobesa which is an indicated phenotype of Amnesia Haze which is an indicated phenotype of Super Silver Haze which is...)

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Again: So, was that Purple Haze that flooded the east coast in the 2000s really the Red Dot pheno of O.Haze...or a reddish/purple pheno of an Nl5-Haze (or similar)?

As for "elitism", perhaps it means in my language "not to be fooled" ..... Like when they wanted to sell me an authentic Spanish Working Mastiff at the price of its weight in Black Cuban Dominican Dutch Jaze seeds...and I found myself with a St. Bernard mongrel.... He also called me an elitist (but his dog was still worth its weight in gold: the guy was not an elitist).
"similar" is probably the closest we will get. having traveled the netherlands, the closest ive found was nevilles. being that CBH goes 13-17 weeks its a fair assumption to say its a nevilles pheno, or at least A5 since nevilles is NL5xA x C .. but the shorter flowering varieties found in the S1 and such make us think more NL5/Haze because there are no 10 week phenos of nevilles..

ultimately, in my opinion, its a moot point and who gives a shit. we know we liked the haze, we know what characteristics it had, we know what we have now.. time to breed our way back/beyond what was. nostalgia is the flame that keeps us going. the specifics are irrelevant to me.

that said if i was spending huge money like you did on your dogs, id want to know the specifics. but im not, im hunting and finding my own way so i dont mind the lore.

you clearly have good grasps on english and spanish but as a native speaker, "elitist" can have a negative connotation to it as well. on the good side it means someone who only deals with the best of the best, on the bad side its someone who values their opinion too highly, has their head up their own ass, or has let their attitude of being above everyone ruin their personality and objectivity.
Oh, about the last paragraph... I wish it were like that: my English is rustier than a beached Somali freighter. I helped myself with an e-translator: That can cause me to misunderstand you as much as you misunderstand me.
Good health to all, and good sativeo!
I wish I could describe the
"similar" is probably the closest we will get. having traveled the netherlands, the closest ive found was nevilles. being that CBH goes 13-17 weeks its a fair assumption to say its a nevilles pheno, or at least A5 since nevilles is NL5xA x C .. but the shorter flowering varieties found in the S1 and such make us think more NL5/Haze because there are no 10 week phenos of nevilles..

ultimately, in my opinion, its a moot point and who gives a shit. we know we liked the haze, we know what characteristics it had, we know what we have now.. time to breed our way back/beyond what was. nostalgia is the flame that keeps us going. the specifics are irrelevant to me.

that said if i was spending huge money like you did on your dogs, id want to know the specifics. but im not, im hunting and finding my own way so i dont mind the lore.

you clearly have good grasps on english and spanish but as a native speaker, "elitist" can have a negative connotation to it as well. on the good side it means someone who only deals with the best of the best, on the bad side its someone who values their opinion too highly, has their head up their own ass, or has let their attitude of being above everyone ruin their personality and objectivity.

I wish I could describe the smell better of the "Purple Haze". I'm not familiar with Frankincense or Sandalwood. Years of black market and now dispensaries, I have not smelled anything similar. I recently tried Nevills Haze from the dispensary and that was much more fruity and green. I do remember the brown hairs on the Purple Haze but I wasn't knowledgeable enough to take note of the hair lengths.

I really need to go a gene trader show and try some new things. Even if we never find the originals, we know the potential for haze.
I wish I could describe the

I wish I could describe the smell better of the "Purple Haze". I'm not familiar with Frankincense or Sandalwood. Years of black market and now dispensaries, I have not smelled anything similar. I recently tried Nevills Haze from the dispensary and that was much more fruity and green. I do remember the brown hairs on the Purple Haze but I wasn't knowledgeable enough to take note of the hair lengths.

I really need to go a gene trader show and try some new things. Even if we never find the originals, we know the potential for haze.
yea dude there is plenty of great piff at all the GTs. really takes you back to a classic time. ive tried nevilles that was fruity too, but i did find one shop that had a very incensey phenotype. it was really dark green bud too.
yea dude there is plenty of great piff at all the GTs. really takes you back to a classic time. ive tried nevilles that was fruity too, but i did find one shop that had a very incensey phenotype. it was really dark green bud too.

Do you know of any hazes out now that have soapy smell?
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Do you know of any hazes out now that have soapy smell?
I just finished some Hazy Piffton by Katsu that turned out very soapy. I was told he might have used the " Pitt Piff cut" from Mass. Idk
One pheno was very quick and smells just like the Purple Haze of SoCal circa grunge era.
I've learned recently that we had "piff" on the west coast in the '90s. It was just another boring weed and we didn't make a deal out of it.
So i guess it's not nostalgic enough for me.
I culled 2/4 of the dwarf piff coast piff s2. They smelled like Purple Dream and had more leaves stacking than stigmas nearing wk4.
The 2 remaining dwarves tried to stretch a bit after moving them to the corner away from the lights.
I've learned recently that we had "piff" on the west coast in the '90s. It was just another boring weed and we didn't make a deal out of it.
So i guess it's not nostalgic enough for me.
I culled 2/4 of the dwarf piff coast piff s2. They smelled like Purple Dream and had more leaves stacking than stigmas nearing wk4.
The 2 remaining dwarves tried to stretch a bit after moving them to the corner away from the lights.
what piff did you guys have on the west coast in the 90s and how did that not register in your mind til right now even after all the descriptions of the different piff hazes in this thread? also how did you get this far into growing piff S2s and NOT know that it came from bagseed "Piff S1" and that you found piff "boring"? i just spent time reading through this whole thread and you sound superrrrr bitter. telling a company to call themself bagseed farms when they are 100% open and transparent about the breeding process of every seed they make, and you still chose to buy the seeds anyway? is humboldt csi bagseed farms for selling S1s of indiana bubblegum? how would they know the IBG cut they had wasnt a bagseed? also hilarious when like every single major hybrid in the last 30 years was a lucky herm bag seed find or has many bullshit stories around its origin.

i will level with you and say it sucks to get the result you got from a pack of seeds. why didnt you just hit him up and ask him about it? like a customer service issue? instead of throwing a tantrum and bashing the company cause of one bad experience? im sure they wouldve made it right if you were more polite about it. do you go online and lambast restaurants if they accidentally overcook your burger or do you ask them to remake it?

personally i grew 2 packs of the piff s2, only 16 germed, a couple runts got culled early, and i took 9 to flower. one hermed, and i was left with 8 completely different phenos, all lovely representations of the piff haze spectrum. 8 healthy plants out of 20 seeds isnt the best, but i knew that going in with s2. 8 possible keepers, 4 commercially viable, pretty damn good in my opinion. also, running PCF Sour Diesel BX1, PCSD F2, and Blackline Dreams fems. 30/30 germination, 25/30 looking great in week 3.

i had a similar experience that you are having with your Piff S2 with packs of DJ Short Seeds and they sent me another one cause i wrote them a polite email, id try that next time!

piff s2
these are all on day 52 from flip after about 6 weeks above dirt and meristem clones taken. i dont have pics of the #5 which is a mango candy/snapple with a bit of incense on the back. 8 weeker. so nice to have. definitely undershot the N and other foods on these a tad, first time using gaia green dry amendments and erred on the side of lighter since hazes can be finicky. the sativa leaners seem okay but the indica dom ones def wanted more food. im happy with them as is, next run will be bonkers!

#1 - one of the best from the start, grows like a dream and takes anything you throw at her. plum/tangerine sized nugs developing and shes the frostiest one. the most complex complete aroma combining everything you could want in a haze. musty, musky, metallic, piney, woody, dank gym sock, basement, with citrus fruits, perfume and finally incense on the back end. some clear trichs still which is exciting, she will go 70-75 days most likely

#2 - this one and #1 were the most vigorous from the get go, she smells sharp fresh incense and pine. awesome structure and stays narrow in that she barely moves over the edge of the 5 gal, would be great with a tomato cage and a SOG. 10-11 week pheno here.

#7 - the tree. this girl stretched 4-5x in flower. wasnt that huge in veg and then utterly exploded. straight pineapple incense metal terps. super tropical smelling and she is just lovely. about 4ft tall.

#8 - sweet incense mixed with lemon/orange pledge cleaner, good size and yield. excited for the citrus piff, will go about 65 days, mostly milky trichs already

#6 smells like cuban black haze but a less basement must and more woody incense
#3 - smells like you pissed in an old tire, left it in the sun for a day and then shook it up. bushiest hugest structure, cant even fit in one photo. will go about 12 weeks imo.