Pie Eyed Brownie + CannaOil Recipe... Step by Step

Dank You, More Please

Well-Known Member
Alright guys, I've been making pot brownies for years now, and have stuck with one trusty recipe which has given me delicious, and potent edibles time and time again.

And today is your lucky day, as I'm going to share it with you guys, all the way from the start of making the oil to the finished product, with steps AND pictures, so even the most "special" of readers may follow along with ease.

Pie-Eyed Brownies
24 Edibles
Potency: Strong

Making The Oil

First things first, you're going to have to pick what type of bud to put into your brownies. I follow one general rule "crap in, crap out." Don't use something you wouldn't smoke to make edibles. I have two strains in particular that I like to use, Sour Diesel, and Mystic, this is completely personal preference, and you can use whatever strain has the effects you need, keep in mind that the resulting high will be a much "heavier", body high than with whatever strain you start with, but the main effects will remain the same.

This recipe makes 24 strong brownies, you could easily get 40 edibles out of this recipe if you want them less potent, I have a high tolerance and one of these puts me on my ass for hours.

What You'll Need:
  • Patience!
  • Crock Pot
  • 1 cup Canola Oil

  • 18g Bud (Finely ground, preferably in a coffee grinder, but a regular grinder will work as well)
Brownies 1.jpgFor this recipe, I used Sour Diesel, along with 2g of accumulated kief from my grinder.

Okay, get your crock pot and add your 1 cup of canola oil, now add your bud, you can just drop it in and stir to make sure it's completely covered in the oil and well mixed. Set your crock pot to LOW. We're going to do a long slow cook, this is where the patience comes in. You want to let the oil cook for at least 12 hours, stirring every hour for the first couple hours, then every 2-3 hours after that. I personally let my oil cook for 24 hours for this batch, the longer the better and since the temperature never gets too high, you will not run the risk of damaging the THC. Make sure when you stir the oil that you mix it well to move the bud around. Make it a little turbulent.
Brownies 2.jpg

Once you get around 12 hours, check the bud, it should be starting to get a little amber colored, like the bud in a blunt roach. This next picture shows oil that's good to go, but remember, a few more hours will only make them a little stronger.
Brownies 3.jpg

Now that your oil is ready, let it cool to room temperature and you're ready to make some brownies. If you can't cook the brownies right away, you can store the oil in the fridge for later use. This helps slow down any possible THC breakdown from light or heat.

Straining the Oil

Brownies 4.jpg
Before you add the oil to the brownie mix, you're going to want to strain it, I use a regular handheld colander and pour the oil directly from the crock pot, through the colander, and into the brownie mixture, pressing the bud with a spoon to wring out the last of the oil. This lets some fine particulate through, and gives a "hashy" taste which I personally enjoy. If you want less of a taste interference from the oil, strain with a coffee filter or cheesecloth, and squeeze out afterwards.

Making the Brownies

What You'll Need:
  • 1 Cup Cannabis infused Canola Oil
  • 1 Cup Sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 can (8 oz) chocolate syrup
  • 2 tbsp flavored coffee creamer of your choice (or Bailey's Irish Cream!:hump:)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla or extract
  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • Baking Pan (I use a tray of 12 cupcakes and foil cupcake wrappers, but you can use a 13-in x 9-in baking pan.
In a large bowl, combine flour, oil, and sugar until blended. Add the eggs and stir some more. Mix in the flour, salt, creamer and extract. Slowly stir in the chocolate syrup until everything is well blended.

Pour your brownie mix into the baking pan and cook on 350[SUP]o [/SUP]F for about 25-30 minutes, or until it passes the toothpick test (toothpick comes out clean from center of brownie). The brownies may look a little moist still, this is just because of the chocolate syrup and is OK, go by the toothpick.
Afterwards, put them on a rack or oven top to cool.
Brownies 5.jpg

From here on out the rest is up to you, frost them if you'd like, decorate them as you wish. Make sure you have some plastic wrap on hand to wrap them up afterwards. Foil also works. Place your brownies in a paper bag for storage and put them in the fridge to keep them nice and fresh.

Brownies 6.jpgDon't forget the milk! Now sit back, relax, and fucking enjoy life :eyesmoke:
Thank you for the positive replies! Cooking with MJ is one of my biggest passions and I'd be happy to answer any other questions regarding cooking and whatnot. Enjoy the recipe!
Ok, so I'm makin the oil right now. I went out and bought a cheap little slow cooker, it's the TRU .65 Quart MINI CROCK. Anyway, there's no heat settings, it's just plug n' play. I'm not familiar with what LOW on a crock pot feels like, but my weeds already turning brownish (like used bud after vaporizing), and it has only been 3 hours. Should I just keep going? Or did I mess this up by getting this cheapo Crockpot?
Keep going, the default setting is low on that so unles the oil begins to bubble you will be fine. Just keep an eye on it, if you put your hand over the oil it should be warm but not unbearable. Take a little bit on a spoon and taste it, if it scorches your mouth it's too hot, should be almost too warm for the tongue, if that makes sense.

If you make sure to stir it frequently you will be fine, and if it seems like its getting way too hot just take the lid off for about 10 min and put it back on.
Had a brownie at about 12:00 pm, it's now 6:30 and I'm so fucking high. This recipe is amazing, extremely potent.
I know this is probably a stupid question, but based on your ratio of 1cup oil/18g, .14 cups or 2.8 tablespoons of oil should be sufficient for 2.5g of bud right? im trying to find a good ratio of bud : oil to fill some capsules
I know this is probably a stupid question, but based on your ratio of 1cup oil/18g, .14 cups or 2.8 tablespoons of oil should be sufficient for 2.5g of bud right? im trying to find a good ratio of bud : oil to fill some capsules
Yup that will give you a good medium dose. What I do is assume that 1 cup of oil will give me 12 doses which it will with this recipe, and add my bud accordingly. So for 18 grams and 24 doses you'd do Grams/Doses to figure out your per serving dose (.75g per serving in this case). The amount of oil isn't so much as important as your dose, as you can cut the brownies into however large or small of a size you want. 0.75g per serving is a HIGH dose, but we will do the math with this. Say you want 4 doses, multiply 4 x .75 = 3 grams of bud. Add this to any amount of oil and portion the resulting edibles into 4 sections.Hopefully that helped.P.S. Here's my strength guidelines... (grams per serving)0.3-0.35g/s - Low Dose0.35-0.5g/s - Medium Dose0.5-0.75g/s - High DoseMore than .75g/s - What are you trying to kill someone?
Just an update on my batch. I ended up giving one to my friend, he's smoked several times, but never eaten any edibles. Anyway, our plan was to eat a brownie each, go watch Django and just chill out while he was back from college. We ate the brownies and within 30 minutes he couldn't stop laughing. On the way to the movie theater he asked me probably 100 times what time it was, and kept checking my phone/his phone/his watch/the clock in my truck, just to make sure they all matched. Eventually he was making absolutely no sense, and was constantly asking if he was dreaming or if he ate a brownie. I had to keep assuring him he was just really high and that we were safe and having a good time (after I told him he would settle down, and be like, "oh ok, cool" but then he'd forget like 15 seconds later. After arriving at the theater, I drove to the back entrance, trying to not make a scene. We arrived about 45 minutes early, so I figured we'd just listen to some music before going in. He insisted we go in immediately and find a seat. He then got out of the car and we started walking to the back door of the theater. All of the sudden he said, "We should go in the front." and I said, "but that's all the way on the other side of the building." He then started sprinting along the side of the building, yelling "We have to get inside!" until I yelled "STOP. We should get back in the truck, now." He was relieved at the idea (even though it was his idea to get out in the first place), but we got in the truck slowly (he kept refusing to move every six or seven steps, and I would have to convince him to keep walking). We then got in the truck and he CALLED HIS MOM. They had a very fast paced conversation in spanish and I was able to gather that he was asking her what time her clock said. All in all, his dad picked him up from the theater. It was super fuckin awkward. BUT, way to go on the recipe :weed: definitely did the job! Btw, I'm not exaggerating AT ALL. If anything, I'm leaving details out. I've never seen anyone react like that to weed, but since that happened, two other friends of mine have had to go home after eating one of my brownies. I love this recipe. AND, if I might add, each brownie is mini muffin sized. Everyone talks shit till they eat em.
okay will they still be potent if you used around 5gs for around 4ish brownies and cook the oil for a lesser time becasue its not as much or whats your opinion on small amounts ratio with cooking time?