Pictures: wtf is this shit?

Anybody know what this is?

Please help me before these guys pass away!

These things are occurring on plants in both soil and hydro. I regularly check PH and everything is good. Nutrients etc is all good. My friend brought in some soil, though, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was infested with something. I guess I'm trying to figure out what exactly it is that's in the soil. I can see small gnats flying around but I don't think they match the description of any known pests. Do normal gnats do this to plants? Or only fungus gnats? Is there even a difference?


I had that same problem I think. Are all the new leaves coming out with holes in them and the bigger the leaf gets the bigger the holes get? Are the plants growing uneven and slower than usual. I will try to remember what cured it. It was an easy fix. I just added some liquid substance that the hydro stores sell into my resevoirs and the problem went away immediately. Hopefully someone here will remember the name of it. I will look around and see if I can find it.
I had that same problem I think. Are all the new leaves coming out with holes in them and the bigger the leaf gets the bigger the holes get? Are the plants growing uneven and slower than usual. I will try to remember what cured it. It was an easy fix. I just added some liquid substance that the hydro stores sell into my resevoirs and the problem went away immediately. Hopefully someone here will remember the name of it. I will look around and see if I can find it.
Your description fits my plants pretty well. Most new leaves do not have holes in them, and the older leaves don't have holes either. The middle aged leaves have the holes, and the older leaves have the blotched discoloration that you see in the picture. All I need to do is add some chemical? Please do tell :D :D :D

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
It kinda looks micro deficient... but then again, could be pH or pest related.

I know that white flies can cause problems similar to this, but you say it's on the hydro plants too and I think most of the problems they cause is as larva. You should obviously do something about them, but if I were you I'd take a look at your cal-mag levels and make sure those are okay.

Chloramines are the only things I can think of funking up your system other than that.


Try Hydroguard Bio-fungicide Water Treatment Solution. This is what fixed my problem. I just found my old bottle of it. Use 1-3 teaspoons per gallon every 2 weeks for hydro, every 30-90 days for soil. Just mix it in like it is another nute. That does not look like nute lockout caused by salt build up. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
I get it out of the shower in my bathroom. Do I need to go buy ten gallons of distilled water to replace it with? Is salt buildup a potential problem in hydro?
does your water go through a softener? if so try to get it before it gets softened, because salt really hurts your plants.
does your water go through a softener? if so try to get it before it gets softened, because salt really hurts your plants.
My landlord said that there is a "filter" set up for the whole house, so this is sounding very likely. Thank you SO much, this all makes sense now!


A water filter is not going to do shit. If it is a water softener which you add bags of salt then yes it could.