Pictures/Video's that bring you closer to nature


Well-Known Member
Haven't seen a topic like this one come up, so here we are!

I understand not all of us are naturalist's but for those who are and read this thread, post some of your best pictures/video's showcasing nature or pictures/video's you've found that showcase the beauty of nature... please respect copyrights too by not cropping the photo's!

A long time photographer, now Terje has gone into video and it is amazing, here's one of his newest creations:


A long time hobby of mine has been storm chasing, here are some photo's from a great man and a great photographer, Stephen Locke... capturing the darker side of nature:



Active Member
Awesome pictures dude. I love nature. I lived in Florida , just north of Tampa , for 10 years. I lved to watch the thunder storms that came every afternoon in th e summer.Some say it's the lightning capitol of the world. I also lived in Arizona for a year and got to see the Grand Canyon a couple of times. Also Sedona was pretty cool as well as a real small town called Jerome, which is built on a huge cliffside. So many places see and so little time. Also been in a few hurricanes from the Gulf all the way up to Long Island. Anyway, good subject. Peace, jethead


Well-Known Member
The Himalayas are great... I've been to Lukla once, I would love to go a thousand more times!

Here's one taken from a favorite camping spot of mine in Alaska:

Awesome pictures dude. I love nature. I lived in Florida , just north of Tampa , for 10 years. I lved to watch the thunder storms that came every afternoon in th e summer.Some say it's the lightning capitol of the world. I also lived in Arizona for a year and got to see the Grand Canyon a couple of times. Also Sedona was pretty cool as well as a real small town called Jerome, which is built on a huge cliffside. So many places see and so little time. Also been in a few hurricanes from the Gulf all the way up to Long Island. Anyway, good subject. Peace, jethead
Florida thunderstorms are indeed beautiful!

As for Arizona, next to Alaska it is my favorite state... go east to Strawberry and you have the terrain of the Appalachians... head north and you've got the prairies... any type of terrain you want, Arizona can provide it! Jerome is also beautiful, I wish I had a better rental car when I visited, a BMW would've been lovely on that curvy road!


Active Member
Oh shit, that fucking road scared the hell out of me. The guardrails( if that's what you want to call it ) was like 2 feet high on top of what seemed at least 2000' cliff. My friend was driving and I was in the backseat with a slipped disc. What atrip that was.


Well-Known Member
Love that first shot Carne, could imagine being there and lighting one up :-)

Here's one of my favorite spots on the boss's property in Wyoming to relax and camp for a few days

Photographer unknown but a great shot!



Well-Known Member
Love this guy's time-lapses... amazing quality and editing.

One for you jethead, taken in Sedona!


Took this one during a camping trip on the NC side of the Appalachians, wonderful stream to take a cold bath in!
