Pictures of your DIY lights - Post your pics!!!

Ive got no idea what all that is, but I am interested

I am using an Arduino Uno computer to control the COBs, Cob heatsink fans, the exhaust fan, the far red SemiLeds and the CO2 flow valve for my grow tent. Basically it turns the lights off/on along with the heatsink cooling fans on whatever schedule I want 12/12, 18/6, 20/4 starting at whatever time I want. example = turn the lights on at 2:00pm then off at 8:00am the next morning for an 18/6. Then during the lights on period I can turn off the exhaust fan and inject CO2 until the tent starts to get too warm from the lights then turn the exhaust back on and cool the tent back down. It repeats this cycle until 30 minutes or so prior to lights out. Then at lights out it turns on the 730nm (far red) LEDs for 15 minutes to take advantage of the phytochrome cycle putting the plants to sleep right away. The AC devices are controlled via the SSR-25-da solid state relays and the 12v dc devices are controlled via the small optically isolated relays in the lower middle of the cabinet. I know it seems like a waste of CO2 to run it like that but it is such a small tent (3x3x5) that I can run a complete grow on a 10# tank of CO2 @ a calculated 1500 PPM. So it only costs about $18 for gas.

I ran a less complicated grow last time with the Arduino only controlling the CO2 and exhaust fan, other timers were running the lights. But it was a PITA when stuff got out of sync. I just ran my new Arduino program through a 25 hour test cycle and it is working as planned. As soon as I finish wiring this controller I will be set to start my COTC Amphetamine and Narcotic Kush grow. I cannot get back to it until Monday so hopefully I can start the seeds by Wednesday. That may be a bit optimistic as there is still a bit of wiring to go.

I am using an Arduino Uno computer to control the COBs, Cob heatsink fans, the exhaust fan, the far red SemiLeds and the CO2 flow valve for my grow tent. Basically it turns the lights off/on along with the heatsink cooling fans on whatever schedule I want 12/12, 18/6, 20/4 starting at whatever time I want. example = turn the lights on at 2:00pm then off at 8:00am the next morning for an 18/6. Then during the lights on period I can turn off the exhaust fan and inject CO2 until the tent starts to get too warm from the lights then turn the exhaust back on and cool the tent back down. It repeats this cycle until 30 minutes or so prior to lights out. Then at lights out it turns on the 730nm (far red) LEDs for 15 minutes to take advantage of the phytochrome cycle putting the plants to sleep right away. The AC devices are controlled via the SSR-25-da solid state relays and the 12v dc devices are controlled via the small optically isolated relays in the lower middle of the cabinet. I know it seems like a waste of CO2 to run it like that but it is such a small tent (3x3x5) that I can run a complete grow on a 10# tank of CO2 @ a calculated 1500 PPM. So it only costs about $18 for gas.

I ran a less complicated grow last time with the Arduino only controlling the CO2 and exhaust fan, other timers were running the lights. But it was a PITA when stuff got out of sync. I just ran my new Arduino program through a 25 hour test cycle and it is working as planned. As soon as I finish wiring this controller I will be set to start my COTC Amphetamine and Narcotic Kush grow. I cannot get back to it until Monday so hopefully I can start the seeds by Wednesday. That may be a bit optimistic as there is still a bit of wiring to go.
I have been wanting to try Aurdino for a while now, but I know the whole thing will be too complicated for me.
Eventually there will be pre-programmed ones that are affordable (hopefully)
Separate controllers for everything is what I want to get way from as you did.
At night I have no idea whats going on in my tent and have to hope all is well while I sleep.

I think I could handle the soldering and wiring, but the code is beyond me.
I have been wanting to try Aurdino for a while now, but I know the whole thing will be too complicated for me.
Eventually there will be pre-programmed ones that are affordable (hopefully)
Separate controllers for everything is what I want to get way from as you did.
At night I have no idea whats going on in my tent and have to hope all is well while I sleep.

I think I could handle the soldering and wiring, but the code is beyond me.
Have a look at You are limited to the sensors that have been pre programed but still can get everything done. Basically plug and play.... no it doesnt control leds but everything else and add as many sensors as you would like.
I have been wanting to try Aurdino for a while now, but I know the whole thing will be too complicated for me.
Eventually there will be pre-programmed ones that are affordable (hopefully)
Separate controllers for everything is what I want to get way from as you did.
At night I have no idea whats going on in my tent and have to hope all is well while I sleep.

I think I could handle the soldering and wiring, but the code is beyond me.

I did a lot of coding back in the 70s and 80s so I understand the basics well. The problem always comes down to syntax and finding out what commands actually work in the board I am using. I buy cheap clones that don't always have the full capabilities of the original. I also am not using sensors basically because of the price and I am able to accomplish what I want without them. For example I am injecting CO2 based on the cubic volume of the tent and opening a regulated flow valve for a set amount of time at a given flow rate. As for the timing of the heat rise in the tent from the lights with the exhaust fan off; I just set this based on observation.These things could be controlled by sensors and perhaps when I build my "more permanent room - now that it is legal here" I will upgrade to sensors.
I did a lot of coding back in the 70s and 80s so I understand the basics well. The problem always comes down to syntax and finding out what commands actually work in the board I am using. I buy cheap clones that don't always have the full capabilities of the original. I also am not using sensors basically because of the price and I am able to accomplish what I want without them. For example I am injecting CO2 based on the cubic volume of the tent and opening a regulated flow valve for a set amount of time at a given flow rate. As for the timing of the heat rise in the tent from the lights with the exhaust fan off; I just set this based on observation.These things could be controlled by sensors and perhaps when I build my "more permanent room - now that it is legal here" I will upgrade to sensors.
When I was supposed to be studying I was getting high. I wish I didnt waste my time there, I could really use that knowledge now.
I remember syntax being so important, not like Google where you can spell words way off and get suggestions lol.
As a retired computer tech, you'd think I'd jump right on this........nope! If there is a plug&play kit out there, point me to it! I loath programming, it makes me!
When I was supposed to be studying I was getting high. I wish I didnt waste my time there, I could really use that knowledge now.
I remember syntax being so important, not like Google where you can spell words way off and get suggestions lol.
LOL I'm there with you but over the last year have really started to play with them more and more.

As a retired computer tech, you'd think I'd jump right on this........nope! If there is a plug&play kit out there, point me to it! I loath programming, it makes me!
Not a kit but plug and play software with directions how to install and get the sensors up and running. Also what sensors you can use that will be plug and play.
Interesting, thank you! I'll look into it more.

LOL I'm there with you but over the last year have really started to play with them more and more.

Not a kit but plug and play software with direstions how to install and get the sensors up and running. Also what sensors you can use that will be plug and play.
LOL I'm there with you but over the last year have really started to play with them more and more.

Not a kit but plug and play software with directions how to install and get the sensors up and running. Also what sensors you can use that will be plug and play.
I didnt see where to buy it.
I did a lot of coding back in the 70s and 80s so I understand the basics well. The problem always comes down to syntax and finding out what commands actually work in the board I am using. I buy cheap clones that don't always have the full capabilities of the original. I also am not using sensors basically because of the price and I am able to accomplish what I want without them. For example I am injecting CO2 based on the cubic volume of the tent and opening a regulated flow valve for a set amount of time at a given flow rate. As for the timing of the heat rise in the tent from the lights with the exhaust fan off; I just set this based on observation.These things could be controlled by sensors and perhaps when I build my "more permanent room - now that it is legal here" I will upgrade to sensors.

since you're using an arduino have you thought about simulating day light intensity ? like when lights turn on: 60% and after an hour or two peak at 100% and dim to 60% again the last two hours. Also, regarding the sensors, I have built a co2 controller with arduino (you can find it in the forum searching for GrowOS) and I've tried a few sensors. Don't use the DHT22s they're crap. Also the BME280 is weird, I thought it would be good considering the high price and brand (bosch) but I was really dissapointed having tried 2 so far but also having tried the bosch calibration method from the datasheet. I also bought the sensirion SHT31 but the two pieces I ordered from ebay were faulty so I can't say if its a good sensor or not... As for co2 I have tried the mh-z16 which so far has proven reliable but has an annoying firmware built-in auto-calibration routine that doesn't work for grow spaces. However you can break the auto-calibration by turning on/off the sensor at least once every 24h.
Hi Davillains:

The possibilities are almost endless with the Arduino. I am only going to do one more grow with my little tent since CA legalized cannabis. I have plans for a larger more permanent 6 plant operation in the future. It will still be indoors but does not need to be collapsible on a moment's notice. I may add some more gadgets later just to tinker around.

No, I don't simulate daylight, I just slam my plants into full daylight but I do plan to use far red to put them to sleep faster.

Happy growing,
The arduino code is a lot simpler than anyone here thinks.
I'm no coding expert, but self taught and i can say it took me only 1-2 hours to do the code. The most difficult part was trying to make all the cables neat.
I can say though, that one of the best things I've done in my grow is the pot weight sensor. Last night for example, my pot was watered, weighed 17kg this morning 13kg! It'll definitely improve my feeding frequency and duration.

On the second graph, you can actually see/tell when the lights turn on vs the potweight.
It sort of shows that the plants almost instantaneously drinks as soon as lights come on.

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hi !

What things do you monitor or control with Arduino besides weight?

Hi !
I have
Room temp, RH.
Outside temp, RH
IR Leaf temp sensor (which also includes another ambient sensor)
Controls my evaporative unit and intake actuator.
Nutrient room temp, RH

Theres more that can be added such as PH, etc, but that's when it gets a little too $$ and fidgety as I always have problems with water sensors (besides water temp)

I'm also using arduino for my camera inside for timelapse which uses a light sensor :)