Thanks Guys , Nope not a robot nor did i steal it from NASA. Doesn't make crop circles just big crops.
Yeah the tubes are for ventilation, The four fans in the top were supposed to draw enough air threw them but after all the wires and stuff got ran it restricted the flow so i added the fans on the end till i can switch to fans with a higher CFM rating. Has 60 CFM's in it now , got my eyes on some 107 CFM thinking that might do the trick. The two light heads in the case slide out a inch and a half . The outside light heads side out four and a half inches also you can point the outsides where ever you want. Extended out the light will cover a 5x5 @ a height of 13 to 15 inches above the canopy and in it covers a 4x4 @ 10 to 12 inches above the canopy. When the top piece is done the light will spin. Not sure how the 5x5 will go But i am hopeful. going to have to make my grow room bigger after this run to test it out. Disclaimer: No hamsters where harmed or used as slave labor during or after the making of this light.