PICTURES INCLUDED.How to bring this baby to life?Did even a prayer


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Well-Known Member
dude....thats to fukin close...move it to 4-8 inches away...i definitly move it 10 inches away though. who ever told you to put it that close needs to get smacked.


Active Member
couldn't understand who was serious and who ironic.are you seying the lights are too far or too close.I heard that cfl can even touch the plants.i can touch the bulb myself.So which one and is this the reason for the plant to be dying?


Active Member
The cfl should be about 2-3 inches above the seedling, 2-3 cm is too close for a plant that small, when it gets bigger as long as its not to hot you can put it that close.


Active Member
What kind of soil are you using, because if both your seedlings started to die right after they sprouted it might not be the light causing the problem.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it must be the soil from what I can see. It has nothing to do with the light. CFL's are meant to be close to your plant. The nutes in the soil must be killing your seedlings. Go through the forums and collect some more information. It pays off better to have an educated grow than to attempt a grow without research.


Well-Known Member
Ive also read the the plant can touch cfls. But in my experience the cfl is actually pretty hot to the touch and burnt the fuck out my plant when it touched the bulb for about 2 seconds. They're fine if there is a fan on them though.


Active Member
well i added a REALLY little amount of this Biohumos-it's like 1/25th of the pot.The other 24/25 is potting soilmix.Ok the plant is neither dead neither alive.Thanks everybody.I know that you shouldn't add nutes in the beginning,but looks like my fault.


Well-Known Member
hey, make sure theres not nutes in your soil for one. second put the cfl around 4 inches away. dont keep it 2 inches thats still close....i would know because i grow with cfls. little babies dont need to have light that close to them, people only bring it close is when the plants get bigger and need more light so people bring cfls close as possible. but your plant is still a baby...keep it 4 inches away i kno my shit.


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Well-Known Member
You can simplify it but dumping the cfl and get a simple 2 tube 4 foot shop light this can touch the plants if desired as they dont heat up like cfls do.They cost about $8 bucks and are plenty to veg the entire veg cycle then switch to whatever flowering lights you have .Make sure the temps are around 70-75 and the pots dont sit on cold ground as the root zone will get cold and stop growth .Also dont over water 1good water is all you will nedd for at least a week at this point...FilthyFletch