Budley Doright
Well-Known Member
You poor boyWould have smoked that 35 years ago!

You poor boyWould have smoked that 35 years ago!
Was totally joking man. I'm an agnostic humanist.
You must have a different breed of skunk than we do... one of them buggers sprayed my dog in the face ran like aWe do have a resident skunk in the hood. Saw it last night. Cute little bugger. Waddles around almost sloth-like. Slow mover.
Yup their all cute and waddle around till you piss them off lol. Was at a trailer park this summer and there were all these skunks walking around at night while we were at the fire. They would walk right up and beg for food all night long and never sprayYou must have a different breed of skunk than we do... one of them buggers sprayed my dog in the face ran like a
rabbit,' went under my house got in between the floor and a bathtub and sprayed again.... this was at 5 AM....
I really don't see em quite as fondly as you do.. Ah, the joys of country living.. fuck Cubs just lost.. they've got it!!
I would wait as long as possible and one or two days of sub zero will not kill it. But two weeks will add lots so you should be good. I finished my last plant on Friday and a tad north of you I think. I was lucky this year and will not pick a long strain again lol. Very nice looking plant btw, hope its as good as it looks
Sorry to hear that Mike. That sucks. Stinking narcs. It's a freaking plant. Needs to be legal to grow a plant in your own yard.I have no doubts it would double in size and weight over the next three weeks.
Which is why I'm so so soooo bummed I had a security breach and need to harvest now. Caught someone up the neighbors property hanging his head over the fence staring straight at it for a good five minutes. Saw him from the window. This means someone must have told him to look I'm guessing. Was definitely not right. I watched him go back to his car down the block.
Started taking it down an hour ago. Man you all weren't kidding, it's not really that I'm fatigued but it's so monotonous. Fucking sucks.
LOVE IT!!!when i look at your avatar Mike, it makes me read your posts in a Shatneresque way, with...dramatic...pauses accompanied by B R O A D......gestures