PICTURES, 1st time grower. Let me know if this looks normal, theres alittle drooping.


WEED 001.jpgWEED 003.jpgWEED 004.jpgAs you can see in this picture it is about 2 and a half inches tall. Im just worried abou the head drooping abit.

Hello to all, i am starting to grow trainwreck. I started germinating my seeds June 28th, now the little plant is about 2 and a half inches tall. When do i transplant it? And start adding nutrients? It is currently growing in my patio which is 90 degrees farenheit right now with a high humidity. Let me know if these pictures look normal or if i am lacking something.

:peace: AND :joint:


Well-Known Member
U need to get some light on that! Here are pics of my CFL girls at days 4,5 and 6. U want much stronger girls before U plant them. Stay away from nutes right now, ur kids prolly arent strong enough for them yet. U also need to get a fan in the patio, 90 is too hot.. Remember my girls here are the same age or younger than yours...


Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
you need to get it out in the sun. also clear pots are no good, roots dont like light. Go get yourself some real pots, or even a red party cup


ohh alright thanks guys. i think im going to actually put it outdoors tomorrow, its only been out in the patio for its growth period. I will transplant it again to a better pot and then get it outside asap. thanks thanks thanks for the help!!!


Well-Known Member
DONT TRANSPLANT YET!!! Try and find a solid cup to fit those into, my guess is your roots are struggling a little and a TP could do them in right now...



Active Member
A couple things that really helped me when I was starting out:

Nutes: Look at the leaf area; the plant can only consume as many nutrients as it has the means to use. The larger the leaf, the more photosynthesis and thus more nutrients required. Seedlings need nothing for at least the first 1.5 weeks and a VERY light dose for the week thereafter. No steadfast rule here, just go with your gut.

Container: Roots hate light, they will not develop if they see light. Get an opaque (impervious to light) container and be done with it.

Temp: This is the most forgotten part of the growing equation with newbies. It MATTERS!!! The plant's metabolism is humming along perfectly (ceterus peribus) at about 70-75 deg and a little warmer for seedlings. Similar to the exponential relationship between light intensity and distance, rate of growth decreased by the square of the temperature increase. When you're sitting at 90 deg, you plant is growing less than 1/4 of its capability, not to mention the stress it's under. Cool it down and it will be happier.


Well-Known Member
Do those glasses you've got them in have holes in the bottom for the excess water to drain away?

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
They look underlit, overwatered and overheated. Other than that, GREAT!!!
Sorry, couldn't help it.
The advice you've gotten so far seems right on point.
Good luck.


Thanks alot Spacehund. Im in Canada, and right now we are going through a severe heatwave. Today it hit 90 degrees in my patio and hopefully less outside. Its definitly hard to control the temperature. Night time it gets to be about 70-75 though. Which is a good thing.

Kimi, i just came back in from transplanting it. :( Like, literally. I heard the roots hate light and with the cup i had them in i guess light was seeping through. So, i transplanted it to a 3 gallon black pot. With lots of drainage at the bottom. Instead of having it in my patio, i have now moved it into my vegetable garden (in the pot) right next to my cucumbers. It will get the light required im hoping so it will speed up to the size of your planWEED 005.jpgts. Im just worried about bugs and such. In the picture i am going to send through i set up white chicken wire cage arounWEED 006.jpgd it and inside the cage i put bug traps. They are sticky so hopefully no bugs will reach my plant. Is this set up alrighWEED 008.jpgt for awhile? I really didnt want to transplant it, because that means one final transplant into my 5 gallon container.

WEED 007.jpg


Well-Known Member
Well, good luck... Thats a pretty big pot for those little gals but now that they are outside hopefully they will get a good boost in grow. great set up for the bugs tho!!!

All I would do is go to the store, buy a 3 foot flourescent light, keep the light 2 inches from the plant at all times, and let it grow.. Thats what my plants looked like when I first started.. Then realized they needed more light.. That's all you need.. And a fan to make the stems stronger. Don't face the fan directly on the plant. Just enough to make the plant blow around a little.

View attachment 1028230View attachment 1028227View attachment 1028226As you can see in this picture it is about 2 and a half inches tall. Im just worried abou the head drooping abit.

Hello to all, i am starting to grow trainwreck. I started germinating my seeds June 28th, now the little plant is about 2 and a half inches tall. When do i transplant it? And start adding nutrients? It is currently growing in my patio which is 90 degrees farenheit right now with a high humidity. Let me know if these pictures look normal or if i am lacking something.

:peace: AND :joint: