Picture Previews


Well-Known Member
i feel like ever since the update/changes pictures that people post or embed dont show up until i click them, the box appears as empty w/ a red X in the corner or like blue/red/green broken triangle. This is on internet explorer and chrome. any idea whats up?


Well-Known Member
i feel like ever since the update/changes pictures that people post or embed dont show up until i click them, the box appears as empty w/ a red X in the corner or like blue/red/green broken triangle. This is on internet explorer and chrome. any idea whats up?

Same here! Internet explorer.

I don't what gives, but I wish they'd fix it...

Hopefully admin is working on it.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
its all good, i thought ide just bring it to attention so you guys know whats still buggy
thank you. if there are any other problems that have been overlooked, feel free to bring it up and we will try our best to address those issues.