Didn't take the time to translate but apparently we are not pleased... I should really take Spanish off my resume taking a class in high school doesn't cut it these days
Didn't take the time to translate but apparently we are not pleased... I should really take Spanish off my resume taking a class in high school doesn't cut it these days

Definitely take off languages that you no longer use. You're never too old to learn. I'm lazy and have never had a Spanish lesson. I speak street Spanish.
here is a video of my wife feeding the coons. :)

I would rather street Spanish anyways I can only imagine its like listening to someone talk old English

The older generation speak Catalan - because - THEY CAN!! Franco is long gone!!

The young ones speak Spanish mainly. My friends are all expats so we have a common ground and of course we copy our Spanish friends. Most speak min 3
I speak street English then ? Your "Castilian" is much more proper Spanish then mexican lol

Yes I speak like them. I roll my 'R's and my 'C's are 'th'. in south America they speak much clearer, argentina especially but this is the true native accent here in spain. I actually mimmick a friend of mine when she speaks wi s American accent. Coz of columbian bfs.