plus this fucking tweeker got me the wrong kind of vac sealer... only took smaller bags, didnt have anytime seal button... i had to let it do its thing till it sealed itself...
Put them in a turkey or ziplock bag* with a little air in them and then vacuum seal around it. It should keep the buds from being crushed.

good luck on what? dont tell on me uncle....... lol that shit all spoken for anyway.... a few days old.. all that shit gone.... money put up in safety deposit boxes... yeah good luck
I don't have to tell on you, you're doing a good enough job of telling on yourself.
Put them in a turkey or ziplock with a little air in them and then vacuum seal around it. It should keep the buds from being crushed.
no it wont... not when u ur not able to seal when u want.. ur supposed to hit the seal button after all air out and has soon has the plastic touches thenuggs
I don't have to tell on you, you're doing a good enough job of telling on yourself.

lmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaao....... i move around waaaaay too much for what happend to u to happen to me.. u wont catch me were i lay my head at night with any weed or money.... unless im in cali....
let them watch me from now till i go back to cali and start my co op.. i aint doing shit ileage... waste them tax dollars...
loooool..... ahhh my life.... ups and downs.... some days u get robbed for 8k... other days you make and keep 10k... tell kkday im good jo...

No just gonna resist the urge.... fuck it dude wtf is going on that ur asking for this type of attention, stupid man, arrogant is just stupid. This one pic speaks loudly , maybe it's time to shut up and count ur lucky stars, or is ur life goal to be some dudes bitch?
Jesus enough of this "look at how cool I want to be but sadly am not B/S" WTF
No just gonna resist the urge.... fuck it dude wtf is going on that ur asking for this type of attention, stupid man, arrogant is just stupid. This one pic speaks loudly , maybe it's time to shut up and count ur lucky stars, or is ur life goal to be some dudes bitch?
Jesus enough of this "look at how cool I want to be but sadly am not B/S" WTF

hahahahahaha like i said if there watching et them...... they wont find nothing.........
yessss just an act.... all the pictures are fake.. im just a figment of ur imagination... shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

No, I was commenting more on your grammar skills, and your "thuggish" way of speaking. I don't care if you grow pounds and sell it, do what you like. But you speak as if you are some uneducated moron, and I just don't buy it. Poor grammar doesn't make you "hard".
you think im a stranger to having police follow me?????? by the time they figure out were i am im already some were else..... never catch me with a marked bill or selling to a c.i. or u.d. or colege kids lololol...let them watch.. waste that money... i have no grow going o now... i have no more bud except for this oz ima keep to smoke to the face...
No, I was commenting more on your grammar skills, and your "thuggish" way of speaking. I don't care if you grow pounds and sell it, do what you like. But you speak as if you are some uneducated moron, and I just don't buy it. Poor grammar doesn't make you "hard".

lol... i can help hw i talk just about has much has that garry potter looking ma fukka can help how manly his wife looks