Don't you wish you could have a tone when you type? sarcasm is a bitch to convey without it

LOL ur telling me, i can say the most crazy shit yet someone thinks i'm being serious, lol damn it i wish people were smarter and less serious, great combo when online, but they must understand words and context, this is the road block ;)
They dont wanna be home taking care of kids.. and dont wanna raise children.. basically they dont wanna take the righteous path..

bible thumper identified.

the shitty spelling and irrational statements were two other hints that you were thumping.

RFLMAO Having a child is not free lol ur just being silly, food and clothing cost money, babies need clean bums, if u use cloth diapers even those cost money, or the hot water and soap to clea them, kids often get sick, medication cost money, kids grow fast, new clothes cost money, hmmm what part of having a child is free? u pay the hospital, or mid wife......
But I do agree that some people are too selfish to have kids, and thank baby jesus they don't lol
And p.s my pic is always posted lol ;) and i have a few up here already in this thread.

fair enuff your right.. i just thought you sounded down n a bit pestimistic... i enjoy a good debate ...
i dont know muchabout raising kids but makingem is free... lol
But really a kid is a great investment .. really not so expensive .. just a lil sacrifise and its all great .. despite the
getting married and all the things that come with it..

Come on now everyones doing it !!!
bible thumper identified.

the shitty spelling and irrational statements were two other hints that you were thumping.


Praise the lord!!

okay so maybe it was bad choice of word... and bad spelling that did me in...
I was being sarcastic i tell ya
Thats a sad way to look at things....and a pretty bold statement..
Having children is a very beautiful luxury in life..maybe the most important.....and nowadays expensive thing...
Used to be people had many children .. before everybody turned indepedent... men and woman...

I dont know how this thread got all political ....
But i know replubican philosophies... some good some bad...
Think theyre trying to cut the money goin into planned parenthood..
Which tottally contridict population control...

Essentially if rom takes office ..your gonna have to pay the bill... but i doubt they will outwright ban abortion..

Heres a bold statement ..

People dont have kids anymore cause theyre so into there lifestyle ,looking cool, and living luxerious...
They dont wanna be home taking care of kids.. and dont wanna raise children.. basically they dont wanna take the righteous path..
Having babies cost nothing... its free .. the one freedom they havnt took from us yet..
In turn . the cost of living has skyrocketed...

The reason the reps puppet rom doesnt want to spend anymore money on welfare for people who cant afford there own children,,, thats why bush pushed planned parenthood u see...
they just dont want to fund either anymore... the budgets getting tight...

I could care less who gets elected .. i respect the government and laws put forth ... knowing my freedoms are always protected..

ps....if you read the first post you have to post pics like everyone else...
whats happening here... i posted mine so im cool for another 2 posts...

i took the liberty of highlighting a few of your spelling and grammar errors.

no need to thank me, i'm here to help. it's my righteous mission.

Yo kona, throw up some pics lol

Haha sorry man all the pics I am ever posting on RIU are already posted lol you can look in my old threads, you might get on or two with some pink fingernail polish on my toes, but no longer safe for me lol ;) I have posted a pic for this thread it was of my Hawaii beach it's a part of who I am ;)
Haha sorry man all the pics I am ever posting on RIU are already posted lol you can look in my old threads, you might get on or two with some pink fingernail polish on my toes, but no longer safe for me lol ;) I have posted a pic for this thread it was of my Hawaii beach it's a part of who I am ;)

So the hunt is on ....
Alright i've been gone and there is no way in hell i'm going back through the past 100 pages. Can someone just tell me if I missed anything good?
Alright i've been gone and there is no way in hell i'm going back through the past 100 pages. Can someone just tell me if I missed anything good?

why yes you have...

the site got semi-hacked again. they had it fixed in a few hours. it was a spam group from a new website
theexpress was quite broken up by your unannounced departure but has now shifted his attentions to ms.jazzy
i am throwing a contest. a picture scavenger hunt. still working on th details and approval. prize will be HUGE!
uncle buck has been declared mentally insane
it is believed that finshaggy is either lost in mexico or has been arrested for his collection of kiddy porn
the site got a little bit of a makeover

have a nice day
why yes you have...

the site got semi-hacked again. they had it fixed in a few hours. it was a spam group from a new website
theexpress was quite broken up by your unannounced departure but has now shifted his attentions to ms.jazzy
i am throwing a contest. a picture scavenger hunt. still working on th details and approval. prize will be HUGE!
uncle buck has been declared mentally insane
it is believed that finshaggy is either lost in mexico or has been arrested for his collection of kiddy porn
the site got a little bit of a makeover

have a nice day

Wow so...it's been a long week lol. Thanks Scoob!
Seeing all these pictures makes me love everyone..
Everyone smiling.. Happy... Sad we cant be like that to each other all the time.
Fdd.. fucking amazing dude.. hilarious.. dont know why.. but its funny..
Garden knowm... never knew you were a youngin..
and everyone else has their own life.. with happy thoughts and happy memorys...
This thread makes me heart cry... but happy tears..
Much love to all..

Sorry.. no pics of me.. you'll be like...
oh wait... ;)
Heres a bold statement ..

People dont have kids anymore cause theyre so into there lifestyle ,looking cool, and living luxerious...
They dont wanna be home taking care of kids.. and dont wanna raise children.. basically they dont wanna take the righteous path..
Having babies cost nothing... its free .. the one freedom they havnt took from us yet..
In turn . the cost of living has skyrocketed...

The reason the reps puppet rom doesnt want to spend anymore money on welfare for people who cant afford there own children,,, thats why bush pushed planned parenthood u see...
they just dont want to fund either anymore... the budgets getting tight...

I could care less who gets elected .. i respect the government and laws put forth ... knowing my freedoms are always protected..

ps....if you read the first post you have to post pics like everyone else...
whats happening here... i posted mine so im cool for another 2 posts...

I do not know who told you it doesn't cost anything to have children, but it cost me over $10,000 just to leave the fuckin hospital with mine dude. I'm pretty sure that was just to wheel me into the room. My epidural alone was thousands of dollars. And don't tell me that's just a convenience because it is my hoo we're talking about here, ok... I get what you're saying, people need to be less selfish and all, and to an extent I agree. But no. It's not cheap to have kids. My step brother's wife wants children really badly but they just can't afford to have any right now.