Well-Known Member
i was gonna say layin my satchel across her face69 was the first thing that came to mind lol.
i was gonna say layin my satchel across her face69 was the first thing that came to mind lol.
Are you keeping all your baby chickies Buck?
i was gonna say layin my satchel across her face
we're keeping all of our chicks even after they're done laying. one already is done laying, the other 5 are about a year or two from being done laying.
we've got our other black chicken, pooky, brooding on 9 bantam eggs right now. porcelain silkies, mille flours, barred rocks, seramas, and a serama cochen mix.
due date is june 6 or 7th. will post pics. in the meantime, amuse yourself with this. chanice is on video handling the baby duck.
Aw lol. Cute. How many do you have now?
6 chickens and 2 ducks. bonus points to anyone who can point out the sixth chicken brooding on her eggs in pic #1.
Those look tasty!
so build a coop and get some for yourself then, after you get done browsing dog poop hash on craigslist and monitoring who is friends with who on rollitup.
What kinda tards u dating? lol most men i date don't have money issues, just personality issues, hmmm which is better? rflmao
Damn i thought i looked young, u my dear don't look a day over 20I'm 30
and i got carded last time i got smokes, fucking eh!!!
so build a coop and get some for yourself then
Are you mad because I do my homework?
I'll just steal from a neighbor who has chickens.
That's the progressive way, right?
this progressive hates thieves. save your political hackery for the politics section.
Speak for yourselfCalifornia is so expensive to live in, everyone is broke.
Then keep things that I tell you in private, private.
i'm amused at the things you do during your downtime. it's kinda cute, keeping track of who is friends with who.
Here's my 2 girls, Rocky & Rosie
Fresh eggs every day.