@konagirl420 have you considered alternative treatments like oil? not advocating that but just wondered if that may be opt

there is another member here in the MI med forum area who has had multi cranial surgeries. last week he mentioned in the health n well being forum about eating four burgers and two grilled hot dogs. maybe you've met. the guy lives in the boonies and radios in when things are cool
I love my dabs and just haven't had access to them since I left Cali, don't really have them in Hawaii, only saw them once in a year......I really know they help me though!
Homie zipper head Chris had a brain tumor removed man. Docs said he got it from doing meth so that fool stayd clean for six months started using again. Had a second one removed now weird as it is he's just smoking the ganja writing children's books and doing artwork and kind of lost his demon after that second one even surgerie is not the end of the world girl stay strong and pay a little visit to hookacanook.com
That used to at least be the website to help people for medical reasons to arrange a marriage to a Canadian citizen for the duration of their required medical need then they null thatshit unless y'all happen to fall in love