
Well-Known Member
Ima go ahead and make my honest RIU dating profile now!

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Hi I'm ChingOwn

I currently live in Juarez Sonora Mexico I speak spanish fluently with a southern drawl, I can travel anywhere on a whim if needed.

I Enjoy watching women on the beach

I like bars but not the kind girls like. They have to be dark and seedy.

Orientation = Strait mostly Id probably make an exception for pinworm

Favorite beer = Pacifico
Smokes=when Im drunk
Favorite Strain=Pineapple Express
Favorite pick up line= You know what fucks like an animal and winks? *Wink*
Favorite skate board trick= kickflip/nolly .......w/ cheese
Favorite Wrestler= i like Sean Michaels cause the kid breaks hearts
6' even
hair brwn
eyes blu
weight 220 and shrinking with a bbc
Curent status: OG

Looking for=Someone to put up wit my shit, Im not afraid of commitment I just dont trust women, looking for someone who will leave me alone 90% of the time till I wanna hang out I more than likely wont cheat on you I just like getting drunk in nasty little places and talking to seedy people, Ill take a minnow shot and then do a line off the toilet seat and come home to you ready for action. Im caring but not to loving, My favorite song is I saw red a duet with Bradly Nowell and Gwen Stephanie if that is any indication to my personality regarding relationships. Any takers?

Dude, you're too dangerous. Not afraid of commitment but not loving- that's lethal shit. LOL Is that an angel on your shoulder in your pic? Do you see dead people? What brought you to Mexico? Or maybe born there? (just being a nosey old Hooka, no need to answer if too private.) You didn't mention how old you are. But skate boarder….hmmm somewhere in your 30's?
What's "shrinking w/ a bbc mean?" Sorry, got carried away, Went all AMA on it.