Wolfhound is gonna eat me... It's already heavier than me!


But wolfhounds are so adorable!

Be warned, cute santa girl is not as normal as it appears. She for some reason thought it wise to buy me a blowtorch for christmas. Sure i could make some creme brules, but well, she didn't think things through. Tip top likes fire too much to be sensible!
Hair done! We made it poker straight first then added carrot oil and tied it in a bun to create a slight wave. Curl->straight->happy medium.



Front cam
Thank you, dragon #^^# I hope Tip Top likes it. I'm still wondering whether I should straighten it freshly for when I go up to see him or let it go more wavy... We'll see if the rain makes it frizz I guess. Women and their hair lol

At least I'll never need a man's money to go to a salon.. I've been once for a blow dry... With coupons!!! XD Never had a manicure either, but perhaps I should... :/
Somebody needs to just take all the hot chicks from this thread (if there are any, I havent looked) and just compile them into another thread. RIU ladies
Thank you honey :3 Your text, lol:

Somebody needs to just take all the hot chicks from this thread (if there are any, I havent looked) and just compile them into another thread. RIU ladies

You only have to look back one page ;3

And there have been many 'RIU Ladies' threads but we always get either hounded for more pictures or attacked and called sluts for posting them, or some guy decides to go all out and destroy a girl's self-esteem. Someone always takes it too far making inappropriate comments or it comes down to talking about how big their dick is and how many whores they've banged and porn pics get posted. Been there, done that, seen the drama. I'm not even talking about my personal 700-page thread either! I love the ladies (trust me, i LOVE women and we have some HOTTIES) of RIU, I even started a thread for tasteful nudes but someone ALWAYS takes it too far an feelings get hurt, mods have to clean up too much etc...
Early christmas in london after the horsie show. Experince has shown that if i tell her i'm taking a photato of her, it's generally 2 or 3 photo's after she's done posing that i get a keeper :) my beautiful kuroi. Suck it and weep boys. I think that's the phrase.
Are there any professional models here that model clothes or what have you for catalogs such as sears, kohl's or walmart? Im trying to see if I could possibly do it, trying to get some pointers from someone that may have experiance
Hehe, sorry... I think he's satirising the way people spoke to him, the nice guy, before he got the girl lol No harm meant <3 Love all you guys x