A LOT of people have posted A LOT of pics of themselves, faces included. if it weren't for all the jibba jabba you would be able to find them easier.

some people actually do care. it's the people that don't care that ruin it for everyone else.

okay ,from here on out jibba jabba . just pictures of peoples faces. so we can actually see they real person behind the post .
2 mod posts in a row :p hehe. I forgot what I was going to write after going over the last few pages... would post pics of hanging the ornaments but there arent any that dont have the kids in em... I took down the pics of me that I posted shortly after I posted them ;) .... Beautiful pups! Im almost ripe for another pup. Not sure what Im going to get yet... plenty of time to figure it out though.

So much drama on these forums... sigh.

...and the motorola logo gets jacked :)