
Well-Known Member
What's scary is despite the rugged good looks there's a striking resemblance between him and his avatar.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
i got 34 months. i report to prison Jan 22. i assume you were directing that to me. i hope that's real enough for you.
the only thing i can advice i can give you is.. dont count your time forget about the calinder it will depress you on holidays dont get into trouble inside follow the rules read. read alot and make one or two good friends that are not into doing anything stoopid people that keep to themselfs, play games but dont gamble it can get out of hand fast, and a fight might break out over a pack of kool aid.. chest rummie spades, dont worry time flies fast try to get into the kitchen if you can get construction work time flies or if you can get out to clean the freeways thats cool too... you will get us to it eventually just stay out of the politics go to church and read im shure you will be sobber and you will realize who is thier for you dont be supprised if only moms is thier for you and no one on the outside... you might nevor smoke again after this but dont get sad and dont get depressed time will seem to be at a stand still but by the time you get out alot will have happend.. good luck budy....


Well-Known Member
the only thing i can advice i can give you is.. dont count your time forget about the calinder it will depress you on holidays dont get into trouble inside follow the rules read. read alot and make one or two good friends that are not into doing anything stoopid people that keep to themselfs, play games but dont gamble it can get out of hand fast, and a fight might break out over a pack of kool aid.. chest rummie spades, dont worry time flies fast try to get into the kitchen if you can get construction work time flies or if you can get out to clean the freeways thats cool too... you will get us to it eventually just stay out of the politics go to church and read im shure you will be sober and you will realize who is thier for you dont be supprised if only moms is thier for you and no one on the outside... you might never smoke again after this but dont get sad and dont get depressed time will seem to be at a stand still but by the time you get out alot will have happened.. good luck budy....

thank you, my new friend. :)

i did 4 months in IL already. i kept to myself. read a new book every 3 days. did a lot of jigsaw puzzles and A LOT of sleeping. i have a wife and child with a strong family on her side who really care about me. my parents are good people, but they kinda warned me about this coming so they don't have a lot of sympathy. i'm pretty good at keeping to myself, simply because people drive me crazy. i hate playing spades, it just seems so "jail like" to me. so i should have an easy enough time staying away from the wrong people. i'm a welder by trade and after reading some info about sheridan it looks like i might be able to get some type of welding job while there. my biggest worry is for the well being of my family while i'm away. they count on me a lot and it's gonna be really hard on them not having me here. i have a good job i have to leave, but my boss will openly accept me back once i get home. i just have to get thru each day so i can have my life back.

looks like it's gonna be a few years before i can smoke again. i'm ok with that. i dream about it almost every night. i'm sure once i get past all this i'll be a smoker again. i just won't devote my whole life to it. i blow glass on the side out of a shop here at home. it brings in a lot of extra income. pipe sales is my bread and butter so i'm kinda involved in the "scene" from that. i haven't been allowed to make pipes since this all happened so i have been doing a lot of marbles, jewelry, and whatnot. it's cool to expand my skills, but i really miss making pipes. i doubt i'll be allowed to make pipes until after i'm done with my 3 years probation. it seems so far away at this point. i'm hoping it all goes by fast.

i just really want my life back. i fully admit my guilt in all this. i just don't feel the punishment fit the "crime". especially living in CA where this is all a way of life. it's the hydro shop and smoke shop ads on the radio that get me the most. i have a stack of MMJ cards and dispensary cards yet it's all off limits to me now. i guess if i would have just followed the rules ...


New Member
I know Jail isn't nearly as bad as prison but I did most of my time playing basketball and taking showers (single use) and hanging with the old people watching TV, the people were great, it's the guards that gave you a hard time. This one obese guard really got on people's nerve, surprised nobody knocked him out.


Well-Known Member
I know Jail isn't nearly as bad as prison but I did most of my time playing basketball and taking showers (single use) and hanging with the old people watching TV, the people were great, it's the guards that gave you a hard time. This one obese guard really got on people's nerve, surprised nobody knocked him out.
from what i hear, ... prison is a lot easier. at least low security prison.

in jail you get a lot of young, and old, whiners. people crying and bitching about being innocent. a lot of weekenders and drunks. a lot of men simply crying and complaining. no respect, a lot of punks, drama, ... i think prison probably has it's downfalls as well. but i bet it's a lot easier to deal with. more programs and activities in prison as well.


New Member
I'm sure they do, jail I know has people who join as cooks or clean up for good behavior and I haven't been in there for more than a 8 days so I couldn't imagine a year or more of what they experience but you are right or does have some young kids that think they're badass but it's easy to avoid them. I once asked this one guy of this was the line to check to see if anyone has put money in your account, he just gave me the dirtiest look and said no, that was a person to clearly avoid lol, I never seen any fights but again, only 8 days. I'm sure it's different everywhere as well too.