when i used to drink all the time id do the same thing... ive woken up in bushes.. thorn bushes.. in the woods.. in a random backseat of a car.. cop car.. sometimes id even wake up in bed, thats when id feel like i definitely did something wrong lol.. "oh shit i made it home.. am i hiding from cops?"
look out the windows and stuff.. long story short, i stopped drinkin like that lol

One morning I got a wake-up call from a chick that said,"It's a shame what happened to your car". I dropped the phone and looked outside and there was no car. I was still in a hung over haze and I was half afraid to pick the phone back up to ask for more info. Turns out I hitched a ride with some others and left my car at a friends and it got vandalized. For a second I had one of the worst sinking feelings in my life.....
One morning I got a wake-up call from a chick that said,"It's a shame what happened to your car". I dropped the phone and looked outside and there was no car. I was still in a hung over haze and I was half afraid to pick the phone back up to ask for more info. Turns out I hitched a ride with some others and left my car at a friends and it got vandalized. For a second I had one of the worst sinking feelings in my life.....

sounds like your friends didit
go whoop their ass
and post pics
Ahhhh yes back when I was scrawny teen making my girlfriends take pictures of me hitting my zong in the bathroom lol
No matter how white boy wasted ive ever gotten ive never forgotten what I did..

lies all of them... you obviously have never been white boy wasted

you have only been chocolate wasted

LOL.. The only time I've forgoten most of a night was when I was tripping on shrooms and drinking tons of vodka.. I woke up in my friends tub with puke all around me.. I hate vodka now.

I'm not a heavy drinker though I do love some whiskey.

Thats what you get for drink Burnetts or aristocrat
Yup, I hear what you're saying, man.

Whiskey is my favorite. The bottom-shelf calls to me: Black Velvet, Canadian Hunter, Old Smuggler, just to name a few of my favorites. Truth be told, I just buy them cause they're cheap as hell, and they mix good with lots of different things (Mixing my Black Velvet tonight with some of that new Mountain Dew Dark Berry, the new Batman tie-in one. The drink is delicious, but you shit green the next day after drinking a lot of these.

black velvet man that was my shit until i got a real job. I drink crown now. But you can mix Velvet with anything and it wont take like alcohol at all. even water I bet.

Its just Canadian whiskey the best whiskey to make mixed drinks with very mild but still fucks you up.

JG, Jim, Wild Turkey for shots here.

I love me some candian whiskys im grown now so i make mixed drinks :-o