when i used to drink all the time id do the same thing... ive woken up in bushes.. thorn bushes.. in the woods.. in a random backseat of a car.. cop car.. sometimes id even wake up in bed, thats when id feel like i definitely did something wrong lol.. "oh shit i made it home.. am i hiding from cops?"
look out the windows and stuff.. long story short, i stopped drinkin like that lol
One morning I got a wake-up call from a chick that said,"It's a shame what happened to your car". I dropped the phone and looked outside and there was no car. I was still in a hung over haze and I was half afraid to pick the phone back up to ask for more info. Turns out I hitched a ride with some others and left my car at a friends and it got vandalized. For a second I had one of the worst sinking feelings in my life.....