
Well-Known Member
This went down this weekend...The route is going to be called "Immortal Illusion"...It is an extention to an existing route, and climbs at 5.12R. There is no gear for 20 or so feet, so one must have a calm head, or you might break yourself....



Well-Known Member
This went down this weekend...The route is going to be called "Immortal Illusion"...It is an extention to an existing route, and climbs at 5.12R. There is no gear for 20 or so feet, so one must have a calm head, or you might break yourself....
wow big balls my friend:hump:


Well-Known Member
wow big balls my friend

I believe that is focus, not my balls that help me achieve the head space to expand the possibilities of physical and mental achievements in climbing..You must live in the moment of the 2% that really matters, and stay with in your "6 foot eggshell" as Michael Reardon one said...


Well-Known Member
wow big balls my friend

I believe that is focus, not my balls that help me achieve the head space to expand the possibilities of physical and mental achievements in climbing..You must live in the moment of the 2% that really matters, and stay with in your "6 foot eggshell" as Michael Reardon one said...
okay focus and big balls:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
This went down this weekend...The route is going to be called "Immortal Illusion"...It is an extention to an existing route, and climbs at 5.12R. There is no gear for 20 or so feet, so one must have a calm head, or you might break yourself....

please stop. you're making me dizzy again. :-|:mrgreen:

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
This went down this weekend...The route is going to be called "Immortal Illusion"...It is an extention to an existing route, and climbs at 5.12R. There is no gear for 20 or so feet, so one must have a calm head, or you might break yourself....
wow... where is that? Is that an old quarry?

is that you in the picture?

thanks for sharing.. that is AMAZING


Well-Known Member
wow... where is that? Is that an old quarry? A secret place...and no..

is that you in the picture? Yep

thanks for sharing.. that is AMAZING Thank you.....


Well-Known Member
wheres all the computer area pics?! Am i the only one with balls GIGANTIC enough to do it? Elephantitus balls over here
Well i was really paranoid about posting a pic and I dont really keep pictures of myself. But just for you i took one at my computer area:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
okay, seriously, I'[m getting tired of all the "hey, where's that lake, where are you in that picture?, where do you live, where'd you find that GrEAt backdrop. ..........

ANONIMITY PEOPLE!!! i know i'm bein harsh, but i used to be a bit footloose in giving away my info... landed me in some trouble, and that, as they say, was that....


Well-Known Member
okay, seriously, I'[m getting tired of all the "hey, where's that lake, where are you in that picture?, where do you live, where'd you find that GrEAt backdrop. ..........

ANONIMITY PEOPLE!!! i know i'm bein harsh, but i used to be a bit footloose in giving away my info... landed me in some trouble, and that, as they say, was that....

sonoma county california, represent. :mrgreen:

we all look like a bunch of stoners. :blsmoke:


being a stoner is a way of life for me. some people say "i used to be a stoner in highschool" and i say you'll never really know what a stoner really is