you mad bro?

no and it wasnt just directed at u
thats why i didnt quote u
but me mad no im not the ones following each other all over riu just to talk shit
so how is it that seems mad ?
kind of obvious isnt it ?

did u notice after this shit started everyone stopped posting here on this thread
i know u guys got a beef thats fine but come on bro
you know, if he would have called with something funny, I MIGHT agree, but he called at 5.30 and asked for 8, 600 watt ballasts and i told him I could get them for him in the morning.
A good troll, Or someone who wasted a great opportunity?

LOL Fuckin Scoob... classic It would have been great if he would have given a funny name like " Matt Z. Bater " or " Sal T. Balls"
does this shit got to be carried to every thread just start a phillip vs victory thread and keep it on there

They should make one I'd watch it grow everyday. I dont know about you guys but I laugh at my desk while they troll eachother it's funny
They should make one I'd watch it grow everyday. I dont know about you guys but I laugh at my desk while they troll eachother it's funny

kind of gets old when its on every other thread
kind of like how at christmas time every channel has '' its a wonderfull life'' 24/7
kind of gets old when its on every other thread
kind of like how at christmas time every channel has '' its a wonderfull life'' 24/7

I love "low brow" humor so it never gets old. For a grown ass man to call another grown ass man in a different country and ask to order over 2k in ballasts is pretty fucking funny to me
While I find the recursiveness of arguing about arguing about arguing to be inherently funny ... at the end we're left with arguing, which is not. cn
you ever notice how it's never me following him around? that dude has followed me to so many thread i'm thinking he's actually in love with me. can't find a single thread where it was me posting after him. or at least not in the last month or so. he's always coming in after me and trying to start shit. i like to feed him a little till he self destructs. eventually he always buries himself. lol.

trolling is FUN-"duh"-MENTAL! :cool: