@srh88 currently jammin "deep elem blues" on that guitar. The more I play it the better it sounds. One of the best sounding guitars in that price range I've ever heard/played
Nice. That song taught me b7 chord lol. Most of the chords I know by name are probably from learning grateful dead songs with buddies
I'm really starting to wish Yahooka was still online...
What the hell is a yahooka? Play yahtzee while smoking a hookah? If so I'm in but I'm not into hookahs. So I'm actually out. Sorry dude
Sounds like someone's ready for their butthole massage...
At least I was born with mine.

Why do you wear male Magic veneers that are used to make one appear more masculine and less femme? You were born with the silly-lily instead of a penis, so without your male physical magic, you'd look awkwardly part-female.

Scoff away, Pat.