I'm 65 but was just a kid the first ten years, thus the reference to '55 or so years' yesterday.

Also, a cute neighbor girl a couple years older than me with access to medical books showed me the meaning of life and an amazing penis trick around that time, 55 or so years ago :wink:.

lol well now I'm kinda curious what the penis trick was... who knew they did tricks too. :D
Yeah she’s growing up fast. Apparently got trampled by a chihuahua at her moms house the other day, lol

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@curious2garden the latest pics. How’s your grand baby doin?
Ahhh such lovely eyes! What a darlin' meta! My grandbaby is still incubating. She's due around the middle of January. I'll be so glad when she's here. I can stop worrying. Matter of fact instead of futzing with oil and RIU I should be quilting!